WIP: new improved lántas script #1

rhi wants to merge 13 commits from new-glyphs into main
3 changed files with 72 additions and 52 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 284094ec4f - Show all commits

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Glyphs
(Glyph (..), Segs (..), Piece, doGlyphs,
(Glyph (..), Diacritic, simpleDia, Segs (..), EGlyph, Word, doGlyphs,
charHeight', lineHeight', spaceWidth', gap',
charHeight, lineHeight, spaceWidth, gap,
@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ module Glyphs
initials, finals, vowels, medials, num, numbers, punctuation, wave)
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GlyphsBase
type Piece = (Glyph, [Segs])
initials :: Map Text Glyph
initials = Map.fromList $
tGlyphs <> kGlyphs <> ƶGlyphs <> sGlyphs <> šGlyphs <> lGlyphs <>
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ finals = Map.fromList $
[("t",t0), ("ƶ", ƶ0), ("s",s0), ("š",š0), ("l",l0), ("m",m0),
("n", n0), ("r", r0), ("f", f0)]
medials :: Map Text Segs
medials :: Map Text [Diacritic]
medials = Map.fromList $
[("a", da), ("á", ), ("i", di), ("í", ), ("u", du), ("ú", ),
("ai", dai), ("au", dau), ("ia", dia), ("ua", dua), ("ḿ", dḿ),
@ -658,38 +657,42 @@ uaPath = uNarrow <> shiftX 4.5 aPath
adot = P . circR 0.2
da = P [lR (0,5)]
= da <> adot (-3.5,-3) <> adot (2,0)
di = da <> P [cR (1,-2) (3,-3) (0,-3)]
= da <> P [cR (1,-2) (4,-3) (-4,-3)]
du = da <> P [lR (-4,0)]
= du <> P [mR (4,-3), lR (-3,0)]
withWidth f w = (f w, w)
sP = simpleDia . P
dai = da <> P [mR (-4,-3), lR (2.5,0), lR (0,3)]
dau = da <> P [mR (-3,-3.5),
-- dont move because letters like t have the join not quite at the edge
da = [sP [lR (0,5)]]
= da <> [withWidth \w -> P [mA (w/2-1,8), cR (0.75,-0.5) (1.25,0.5) (2,0)]]
di = da <> [sP [cR (1,-2) (3,-3) (0,-3)]]
= da <> [sP [cR (1,-2) (4,-3) (-4,-3)]]
du = da <> [sP [lR (-4,0)]]
= du <> [sP [mR (4,-3), lR (-3,0)]]
dai = da <> [sP [mR (-4,-3), lR (2.5,0), lR (0,3)]]
dau = da <> [sP [mR (-3,-3.5),
cR (-1.5,0.25) (-1.5,3.25) (0,3),
cR (1.5,-0.25) (1.5,-3.25) (0,-3),
cR (1,-0.25) (2,0.5) (3,0)]
dia = di <> adot (-1.5,0)
dua = du <> adot (2,-2)
cR (1,-0.25) (2,0.5) (3,0)]]
dia = di <> [withWidth \w -> adot (-w/2,0)]
dua = du <> [withWidth \w -> P [mA (w/2,7)] <> adot (0,0)]
dḿ = da <> P [mR (-4,-3), cR (-0.375,1.125) (-0.25,1.275) (-0.25,1.375),
dḿ = da <> [sP [mR (-4,-3), cR (-0.375,1.125) (-0.25,1.275) (-0.25,1.375),
aR 0.625 0.625 0 Small CCW (1.5,0),
lR (0,-1), mR (0,1),
aR 0.625 0.625 0 Small CCW (1.5,0),
cR (0.125,-0.1) (0,-1.125) (-0.25,-1.375)]
= da <> P [mR (-2,-2.5),
cR (0.125,-0.1) (0,-1.125) (-0.25,-1.375)]]
= da <> [sP [mR (-2,-2.5),
qR (0.25,-0.625) (-0.5,-0.5),
cR (-1.5,0.25) (-1.5,2.75) (0,2.5),
qR (0.375,-0.0625) (0.5,-0.3)]
qR (0.375,-0.0625) (0.5,-0.3)]]
= da <>
P [mR (-2,-2.75),
[sP [mR (-2,-2.75),
cR (0.125,-0.125) (0,-0.375) (-0.625,-0.25),
cR (-0.75,0.15) (-1,1.25) (0,1.25),
lR (0.375,0), mR (-0.625,0),
cR (-0.75,0.15) (-1,1.25) (0,1.25),
qR (1,0) (1.125,-0.375)]
= da <> P [mR (-3,0), cR (1,0) (3,-1) (3,-2)]
qR (1,0) (1.125,-0.375)]]
= da <> [sP [mR (-3,0), cR (1,0) (3,-1) (3,-2)]]
punctuation :: Map Text Glyph
punctuation = Map.fromList

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module GlyphsBase (module GlyphsBase, module Svg) where
import Svg hiding (shiftX, shiftY, shift, width, size)
import qualified Svg
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Foldable
import Numeric
import Prelude hiding (Word)
@ -74,9 +74,15 @@ run m e@(E {size}) =
textWidth = 0, textHeight = 0, firstOnLine = True}
type EGlyph = (Glyph, [Segs])
type Word = [EGlyph]
type EGlyph = (Glyph, [Diacritic])
type Diacritic = Double -> (Segs, Double)
simpleDia :: Segs -> Diacritic
simpleDia ss w = (ss, w)
doGlyphs :: [Word] -> Env -> Element
doGlyphs gs e = wrap $ run act e where
act = do
@ -91,7 +97,12 @@ doGlyphs gs e = wrap $ run act e where
glyphWidth :: EGlyph -> M Double
glyphWidth (G {width}, _) = (+) <$> withSize (* width) <*> gap
glyphWidth (G {width}, ss) =
let w = foldl (\x f -> snd $ f x) width ss in
(+) <$> withSize (* w) <*> gap
totalWidth :: Double -> M Double
totalWidth width = (+) <$> withSize (* width) <*> gap
wordWidth :: Word -> M Double
wordWidth = fmap sum . traverse glyphWidth
@ -111,11 +122,17 @@ placeWord w = do
pure e
placeGlyph :: EGlyph -> M Element
placeGlyph g@(G {path = path1}, segss) = do
gwidth <- glyphWidth g
path' <- joinSegs $ sconcat (path1 :| segss)
modify \s@(S {x}) -> s {x = x + gwidth}
pure $ path_ [D_ <<- path']
placeGlyph (G {path = path1, width = width1}, dias) = do
let (segs', width') = placeDia width1 dias
path <- joinSegs $ path1 <> segs'
width <- totalWidth width'
modify \s@(S {x}) -> s {x = x + width}
pure $ path_ [D_ <<- path]
placeDia :: Double -> [Diacritic] -> (Segs, Double)
placeDia w dias =
flip runState w $
fold <$> traverse state dias
newline :: M ()
newline = do

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@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ maxFrom name i = longestWith name \x -> Map.lookup x i
initial :: P Glyph
initial = maxFrom "initial" initials
medial :: P Segs
medial = P [] <$ chunk "\\" <|> maxFrom "medial" medials
medial :: P [Diacritic]
medial = [] <$ chunk "\\" <|> maxFrom "medial" medials
final :: P Glyph
final = maxFrom "final" finals
@ -38,29 +38,29 @@ final = maxFrom "final" finals
ivowel :: P Glyph
ivowel = maxFrom "vowel" vowels
word :: P [Piece]
word :: P [EGlyph]
word = [is <> f <> concat p | is <- some initMed, f <- fin, p <- many punct]
initMed = try $
[(i, [m]) | i <- initial, m <- medial] <|>
(,) <$> initial <*> medial <|>
[(v, []) | v <- ivowel] <|>
fin = maybe [] (\x -> [(x, [])]) <$> optional final
number :: P [Piece]
number :: P [EGlyph]
number = some (digit <|> hash) where
hash = (num, []) <$ chunk "#"
digit = [(numbers ! Char.digitToInt i, []) | i <- digitChar]
punct :: P [Piece]
punct :: P [EGlyph]
punct = [[(p, [])] | p <- maxFrom "punctuation" punctuation] <* space
dash :: P Piece
dash :: P EGlyph
dash = (wave, []) <$ chunk ""
text :: P [[Piece]]
text :: P [[EGlyph]]
text = space *> many (segment <* space) <* eof where
segment = punct <|> number <|> word
split :: Text -> [[Piece]]
split :: Text -> [[EGlyph]]
split = either (error . errorBundlePretty) id . parse text ""