if bufname('%') == "idris-response" finish endif if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif setlocal shiftwidth=2 setlocal tabstop=2 if !exists("g:idris_allow_tabchar") || g:idris_allow_tabchar == 0 setlocal expandtab endif setlocal comments=s1:{-,mb:-,ex:-},:\|\|\|,:-- setlocal commentstring=--%s setlocal iskeyword+=? setlocal wildignore+=*.ibc let idris_response = 0 let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Text near cursor position that needs to be passed to a command. " Refinment of `expand()` to accomodate differences between " a (n)vim word and what Idris requires. function! s:currentQueryObject() let word = expand("") if word =~ '^?' " Cut off '?' that introduces a hole identifier. let word = strpart(word, 1) endif return word endfunction function! s:IdrisCommand(...) let idriscmd = shellescape(join(a:000)) " echo("idris2 " . expand ('%:t') . " --client " . idriscmd) return system("idris2 " . expand ('%:t') . " --client " . idriscmd) endfunction function! IdrisDocFold(lineNum) let line = getline(a:lineNum) if line =~ "^\s*|||" return "1" endif return "0" endfunction function! IdrisFold(lineNum) return IdrisDocFold(a:lineNum) endfunction setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=IdrisFold(v:lnum) function! IdrisResponseWin() if (!bufexists("idris-response")) botright 10split badd idris-response b idris-response let g:idris_respwin = "active" set buftype=nofile wincmd k elseif (bufexists("idris-response") && g:idris_respwin == "hidden") botright 10split b idris-response let g:idris_respwin = "active" wincmd k endif endfunction function! IdrisHideResponseWin() let g:idris_respwin = "hidden" endfunction function! IdrisShowResponseWin() let g:idris_respwin = "active" endfunction function! IWrite(str) if (bufexists("idris-response")) let save_cursor = getcurpos() b idris-response %delete let resp = split(a:str, '\n') call append(1, resp) b # call setpos('.', save_cursor) else echo a:str endif endfunction function! IdrisReload(q) w let file = expand("%:p") let tc = system("idris2 " . expand ('%:t') . " --client ''") if (! (tc is "")) call IWrite(tc) else if (a:q==0) call IWrite("Successfully reloaded " . file) endif endif return tc endfunction function! IdrisReloadToLine(cline) return IdrisReload(1) "w "let file = expand("%:p") "let tc = s:IdrisCommand(":lto", a:cline, file) "if (! (tc is "")) " call IWrite(tc) "endif "return tc endfunction function! IdrisShowType() w let word = s:currentQueryObject() let cline = line(".") let ccol = col(".") let ty = s:IdrisCommand(":t", word) call IWrite(ty) endfunction function! IdrisShowDoc() w let word = expand("") let ty = s:IdrisCommand(":doc", word) call IWrite(ty) endfunction function! IdrisProofSearch(hint) let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = s:currentQueryObject() if (a:hint==0) let hints = "" else let hints = input ("Hints: ") endif let result = s:IdrisCommand(":ps!", cline, word, hints) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) endif endfunction function! IdrisGenerateDef() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = s:currentQueryObject() let result = s:IdrisCommand(":gd!", cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) endif endfunction function! IdrisMakeLemma() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = s:currentQueryObject() let result = s:IdrisCommand(":ml!", cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) call search(word, "b") endif endfunction function! IdrisRefine() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = expand("") let name = input ("Name: ") let result = s:IdrisCommand(":ref!", cline, word, name) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) endif endfunction function! IdrisAddMissing() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = expand("") let result = s:IdrisCommand(":am!", cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) endif endfunction function! IdrisCaseSplit() w let view = winsaveview() let cline = line(".") let ccol = col(".") let word = expand("") let result = s:IdrisCommand(":cs!", cline, ccol, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) endif endfunction function! IdrisMakeWith() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = s:currentQueryObject() let tc = IdrisReload(1) let result = s:IdrisCommand(":mw!", cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) call search("_") endif endfunction function! IdrisMakeCase() let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = s:currentQueryObject() let result = s:IdrisCommand(":mc!", cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) call search("_") endif endfunction function! IdrisAddClause(proof) let view = winsaveview() w let cline = line(".") let word = expand("") if (a:proof==0) let fn = ":ac!" else let fn = ":apc!" endif let result = s:IdrisCommand(fn, cline, word) if (! (result is "")) call IWrite(result) else e call winrestview(view) call search(word) endif endfunction function! IdrisEval() w let expr = input ("Expression: ") let result = s:IdrisCommand(expr) call IWrite(" = " . result) endfunction nnoremap t :call IdrisShowType() nnoremap r :call IdrisReload(0) nnoremap c :call IdrisCaseSplit() nnoremap a 0:call search(":")b:call IdrisAddClause(0)w nnoremap d 0:call search(":")b:call IdrisAddClause(0)w nnoremap b 0:call IdrisAddClause(0) nnoremap m :call IdrisAddMissing() nnoremap md 0:call search(":")b:call IdrisAddClause(1)w nnoremap f :call IdrisRefine() nnoremap o :call IdrisProofSearch(0) nnoremap s :call IdrisProofSearch(0) nnoremap g :call IdrisGenerateDef() nnoremap p :call IdrisProofSearch(1) nnoremap l :call IdrisMakeLemma() nnoremap e :call IdrisEval() nnoremap w 0:call IdrisMakeWith() nnoremap mc :call IdrisMakeCase() nnoremap i 0:call IdrisResponseWin() nnoremap h :call IdrisShowDoc() menu Idris.Reload r menu Idris.Show\ Type t menu Idris.Evaluate e menu Idris.-SEP0- : menu Idris.Add\ Clause d menu Idris.Generate\ Definition g menu Idris.Add\ with w menu Idris.Case\ Split c menu Idris.Add\ missing\ cases m menu Idris.Proof\ Search o menu Idris.Proof\ Search\ with\ hints p au BufHidden idris-response call IdrisHideResponseWin() au BufEnter idris-response call IdrisShowResponseWin()