flake stuff

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2022-05-26 18:03:14 +02:00
parent d8e8a95ef4
commit ea0ae8f127
2 changed files with 35 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -127,21 +127,6 @@
"type": "github"
"flake-utils_2": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1638122382,
"narHash": "sha256-sQzZzAbvKEqN9s0bzWuYmRaA03v40gaJ4+iL1LXjaeI=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"rev": "74f7e4319258e287b0f9cb95426c9853b282730b",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"frex": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
@ -264,7 +249,9 @@
"dot-parse": "dot-parse",
"effect": "effect",
"elab-util": "elab-util",
"flake-utils": "flake-utils_2",
"flake-utils": [
"frex": "frex",
"fvect": "fvect",
"hashable": "hashable",
@ -278,7 +265,9 @@
"json": "json",
"katla": "katla",
"lsp": "lsp",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"nixpkgs": [
"odf": "odf",
"pretty-show": "pretty-show",
"python": "python",
@ -401,18 +390,17 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1639213685,
"narHash": "sha256-Evuobw7o9uVjAZuwz06Al0fOWZ5JMKOktgXR0XgWBtg=",
"owner": "nixos",
"lastModified": 1638239011,
"narHash": "sha256-AjhmbT4UBlJWqxY0ea8a6GU2C2HdKUREkG43oRr3TZg=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "453bcb8380fd1777348245b3c44ce2a2b93b2e2d",
"rev": "a7ecde854aee5c4c7cd6177f54a99d2c1ff28a31",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "nixos",
"ref": "nixpkgs-21.11-darwin",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"id": "nixpkgs",
"ref": "21.11",
"type": "indirect"
"odf": {
@ -499,10 +487,7 @@
"inputs": {
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"idris2-pkgs": "idris2-pkgs",
"nixpkgs": [
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
"snocvect": {

View File

@ -1,36 +1,42 @@
{ description = "basic test framework for idris 2";
inputs = {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
idris2-pkgs.url = "github:claymager/idris2-pkgs";
nixpkgs.follows = "idris2-pkgs/nixpkgs";
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/21.11";
flake-utils = {
url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
idris2-pkgs = {
url = "github:claymager/idris2-pkgs";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, idris2-pkgs, flake-utils }:
let systems = with flake-utils.lib.system;
[ x86_64-darwin x86_64-linux i686-linux ];
flake-utils.lib.eachSystem systems (system:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [ idris2-pkgs.overlay ];
inherit (pkgs.idris2-pkgs._builders) idrisPackage devEnv;
builders = pkgs.idris2-pkgs._builders;
packages = rec {
tap = idrisPackage ./. { };
tap-example = idrisPackage ./example { extraPkgs = packages; };
packages = let ipkg = builders.idrisPackage; in rec {
tap = ipkg ./. { };
tap-example = ipkg ./example { extraPkgs = packages; };
devShells =
let mkDevShell = _: pkg:
pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ (devEnv pkg) ]; };
shells = packages // (with packages; { example = tap-example; });
in builtins.mapAttrs mkDevShell shells;
pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ (builders.devEnv pkg) ]; };
in builtins.mapAttrs mkDevShell packages;
in {
inherit packages devShells;
defaultPackage = packages.tap;
devShell = devShells.tap;
devShell = devShells.tap;