
97 lines
2.9 KiB

module RSS (make, make') where
import Date
import Info
import BuilderQQ
import Data.List (sortBy, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Text as Strict
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)
import Control.Monad
make :: Strict.Text -- ^ website root e.g. @
-> Strict.Text -- ^ website name e.g. @nissart@
-> GalleryInfo
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ output filename for self link
-> [(FilePath, Info)]
-> Lazy.Text
make root name ginfo output infos =
toLazyText $ make' root name ginfo output infos
make' :: Strict.Text -> Strict.Text -> GalleryInfo
-> Maybe FilePath -> [(FilePath, Info)] -> Builder
make' root name ginfo@(GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix}) output infos = [b|
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
link = [b|$root/$prefix|]
nsfw = ginfo.nsfw
items = map (uncurry $ makeItem root prefix nsfw) $
sortBy (flip (compareFor nsfw `on` snd)) $
filter (not . (.unlisted) . snd) infos
selflink = case output of
Nothing -> ""
Just o -> [b|<atom:link href="$link/$o" rel="self" />|]
makeItem :: Strict.Text -> FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Info -> Builder
makeItem root prefix nsfw path info@(Info {title}) = [b|
body = [b|
<description> <![CDATA[
]]> </description>
suffix = if null parts then ""
else " (" <> mconcat (intersperse ", " parts) <> ")"
parts = catMaybes [o18, cnt, up]
up = do guard $ hasUpdatesFor nsfw info; Just "updated"
o18 = do guard $ nsfw && anyNsfw info; Just "🔞"
cnt = do let len = maybe 0 length $ allImages <$> imagesFor nsfw info
guard $ len /= 1; Just [b|$len images|]
dir = takeDirectory path
link = [b|$root/$prefix/$dir|]
date = formatRSS $ latestDateFor nsfw info
artist = ifJust info.artist \case
Artist name Nothing -> [b|<p>by $name|]
Artist name (Just url) -> [b|<p>by <a href="$url">$name</a>|]
desc = makeDesc $ descFor nsfw info
image = case previewImage info of
Just (PFull img) -> figure $ pageFile img
Just (PThumb th) -> figure $ thumbFile th
Nothing -> ""
figure p = [b|<figure> <a href="$link"><img src="$link/$p"></a> </figure>|]
makeDesc :: Desc -> Builder
makeDesc NoDesc = ""
makeDesc (TextDesc txt) = [b|$txt|]
makeDesc (LongDesc fs) = [b|<dl>$fields</dl>|]
where fields = map (\(DescField {name, text}) -> [b|<dt>$name <dd>$text|]) fs