249 lines
6.9 KiB
249 lines
6.9 KiB
type Boxes = Set<HTMLInputElement>;
let reqBoxes: Boxes;
let excBoxes: Boxes;
let allBoxes: Boxes;
let tags: Map<HTMLElement, string[]>;
let itemsByYear: Map<string, Set<HTMLElement>>;
let showSingles = false;
function fillSets(): [Set<string>, Set<string>] {
function checkedValues(boxes: Boxes): Set<string> {
return new Set([...boxes].filter(b => b.checked).map(b => b.value));
return [checkedValues(reqBoxes), checkedValues(excBoxes)];
function updateItems(): void {
const [reqTags, excTags] = fillSets();
const anyReq = reqTags.size > 0;
for (const [year, items] of itemsByYear) {
let hideMarker = true;
for (const item of items) {
const req = tags.get(item)?.some(x => reqTags.has(x)) ?? false;
const exc = tags.get(item)?.some(x => excTags.has(x)) ?? false;
const hidden = exc || (anyReq && !req);
item.hidden = hidden;
hideMarker &&= hidden;
const marker = document.getElementById(`marker-${year}`);
if (marker !== null) marker.hidden = hideMarker;
function disp(pfx: string, tags: Iterable<string>): string {
return [...tags].map(x => pfx + x).join('\u2003'); // em space
const plus = disp('+\u2009', reqTags); // thin space
const minus = disp('-\u2009', excTags);
document.getElementById('filters-details')!.dataset.filters =
function update(): void {
history.pushState(null, "", makeFragment());
function converseId(id: string): string {
if (id.match(/^require/)) {
return id.replace('require', 'exclude');
} else {
return id.replace('exclude', 'require');
function toggle(checkbox: HTMLInputElement): void {
if (checkbox.checked) {
const converse = document.getElementById(converseId(checkbox.id)) as HTMLInputElement;
converse.checked = false;
function clearForm(): void {
allBoxes.forEach(b => b.checked = b.defaultChecked);
function clear(e: Event): void {
function toggleSingles(e: Event): void {
showSingles = !showSingles;
const elems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.filterlist li')) as HTMLElement[];
for (const li of elems) {
const countStr = li.querySelector('label')?.dataset.count;
const count = countStr ? +countStr : 0;
if (count <= 1 && li instanceof HTMLElement) {
li.hidden = !showSingles;
function makeFragment(): string {
const allBoxesArr = Array.from(allBoxes);
const ids = allBoxesArr.filter(b => b.checked).map(b => b.id);
if (ids.length == 0) {
return '#all';
} else if (allBoxesArr.every(b => b.checked == b.defaultChecked)) {
return '#';
} else {
return '#' + ids.join(';');
type Shortcuts = Record<string, Set<string>>;
const shortcuts: Shortcuts = {
summary: new Set(['require_artsummary']),
colourexamples: new Set(['require_colourexample']),
flatexamples: new Set(['require_flatexample']),
sketchexamples: new Set(['require_sketchexample']),
iconexamples: new Set(['require_iconexample']),
curated: new Set(['require_curated']),
gecs: new Set(['require_niss', 'require_nisse']),
niss: new Set(['require_niss']),
nisse: new Set(['require_nisse']),
qt: new Set(['require_q_t_']),
"q.t.": new Set(['require_q_t_']),
kesi: new Set(['require_kesi']),
bip: new Set(['require_bip']),
60309: new Set(['require_IEC60309']),
velzek: new Set(['require_velzek']),
pricklypear: new Set(['require_pricklypear']),
prickly_pear: new Set(['require_pricklypear']),
goo: new Set(['require_thegoo']),
the_goo: new Set(['require_thegoo']),
thegoo: new Set(['require_thegoo']),
kiki: new Set(['require_kiki']),
nex: new Set(['require_nex']),
kezda: new Set(['require_kezda']),
marigold: new Set(['require_marigold']),
function useFragment(): void {
const frag = decodeURIComponent(location.hash).replace(/^#/, '');
const details = document.getElementById('filters-details') as HTMLDetailsElement;
const fromShortcut = shortcuts[frag];
if (!frag) {
} else if (frag == 'all') {
allBoxes.forEach(b => b.checked = false);
details.open = false;
} else if (fromShortcut) {
allBoxes.forEach(b => b.checked = fromShortcut.has(b.id));
} else {
const pieces = frag.split(';');
const set = new Set(pieces);
const re = /^(require|exclude)_|hide_filters/;
if (pieces.every(x => re.test(x))) {
allBoxes.forEach(b => b.checked = set.has(b.id));
function sortFilters(cmp: (a: Node, b: Node) => number): void {
function sort1(id: string): void {
const elt = document.getElementById(id);
if (elt === null) return;
const children = Array.from(elt.childNodes);
for (const c of children) {
function sortFiltersAlpha(e: Event): void {
function getName(node: Node): string {
if (node instanceof Element) {
return node.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]?.value ?? '';
} else {
return '';
sortFilters((a, b) => getName(a).localeCompare(getName(b)));
function sortFiltersUses(e: Event): void {
function getUses(node: Node): number {
if (node instanceof Element) {
const countStr = node.getElementsByTagName('label')[0]?.dataset.count;
return countStr ? +countStr : 0;
} else {
return 0;
sortFilters((a, b) => getUses(b) - getUses(a));
function setup(): void {
function inputs(id: string): Boxes {
const iter = document.getElementById(id)!.getElementsByTagName('input');
return new Set(Array.from(iter));
const items = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('post')) as HTMLElement[];
itemsByYear = new Map;
for (const item of items) {
const year = item.dataset.year;
if (!year) continue;
if (!itemsByYear.has(year)) {
itemsByYear.set(year, new Set([item]));
} else {
reqBoxes = inputs('require');
excBoxes = inputs('exclude');
allBoxes = new Set([...reqBoxes, ...excBoxes]);
tags = new Map(items.map(item => [item, item.dataset.tags?.split(';') ?? []]));
allBoxes.forEach(b => b.addEventListener('change', () => toggle(b)));
function addClick(id: string, f: (e: Event) => void): void {
document.getElementById(id)!.addEventListener('click', f);
addClick('clear', clear);
addClick('sortalpha', sortFiltersAlpha);
addClick('sortuses', sortFiltersUses);
addClick('singles', toggleSingles);
window.addEventListener('popstate', useFragment);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setup);
export {};