module Main (main) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString import qualified Data.YAML as YAML import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt import Control.Applicative import SinglePage data Options = SinglePage { file :: FilePath, includeNsfw :: Bool, output :: Maybe FilePath } | GalleryPage { directory :: FilePath, includeNsfw :: Bool, output :: Maybe FilePath } optionsParser :: Opt.ParserInfo Options optionsParser = (Opt.hsubparser (single <> gallery) <**> Opt.helper) `` mainInfo where single = Opt.command "single" $ singleOpts `` singleInfo singleOpts = SinglePage <$> fileArg <*> nsfwSwitch <*> outputOpt fileArg = Opt.strArgument $ Opt.metavar "FILE" <> "yaml file to read" nsfwSwitch = Opt.switch $ Opt.short 'n' <> Opt.long "nsfw" <> "include nsfw versions" outputOpt = Opt.option (Just <$> Opt.str) $ Opt.short 'o' <> Opt.long "output" <> Opt.value Nothing <> "output file (default: stdout)" singleInfo = Opt.progDesc "generate a page for a single work" gallery = Opt.command "gallery" $ galleryOpts `` galleryInfo galleryOpts = GalleryPage <$> dirArg <*> nsfwSwitch <*> outputOpt dirArg = Opt.strArgument $ Opt.metavar "DIR" <> "directory to search for yaml files" galleryInfo = Opt.progDesc "generate a gallery page" mainInfo = Opt.progDesc "static gallery site generator" <> Opt.fullDesc main :: IO () main = main2 =<< Opt.execParser optionsParser main2 :: Options -> IO () main2 s@(SinglePage {file, includeNsfw, output}) = do print s txt <- ByteString.readFile file let Right info = YAML.decode1 txt let page = make includeNsfw info case output of Nothing -> Text.putStr page Just out -> Text.writeFile out page main2 g@(GalleryPage {}) = do print g error "surprise! this doesn't exist yet"