{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module BuilderQQ (b, Builder, toLazyText, fromText, fromString, fromChar, textMap, ifJust) where import Data.Char (isLower, isSpace, isDigit, isAlphaNum) import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromText, fromString, singleton, toLazyText) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Foldable import Data.Semigroup data ChunkType = Lit | Var VarType deriving Show data VarType = Plain | FromText | FromString | FromChar | Show | Reindent !Int | ReindentList !Int deriving Show type Chunk = (ChunkType, Text) indent :: Int -> Text -> Builder indent i str | Text.all isSpace str = "" | otherwise = replicateB i ' ' <> fromText str reindent :: Int -> Text -> Builder reindent i str = fold $ mapInit (<> "\n") $ map2 (fromText . dropIndent) (indent i . dropIndent) ls where ls = dropWhile (Text.all isSpace) $ Text.lines str ls' = filter (Text.any $ not . isSpace) ls dropIndent = Text.drop minIndent minIndent = getMin $ option 0 id $ foldMap (Option . Just . Min . indentOf) ls' indentOf = go 0 where go n (' ' :. cs) = go (n + 1) cs go n ('\t' :. cs) = go (((n `mod` 8) + 1) * 8) cs go n _ = n map2 _ _ [] = [] map2 f g (x:xs) = f x : map g xs chunks :: Text -> [Chunk] chunks = reverse . go "" [] . trimEnd where go acc cs NilT = if Text.null acc' then cs else (Lit, acc') : cs where acc' = toStrictText acc -- $&: expands to nothing go acc cs ('$' :. '&' :. rest) = go acc cs rest -- $$: expands to one $ go acc cs ('$' :. '$' :. rest) = go (acc <> "$") cs rest -- $*var: expands to (fromText $var) go acc cs ('$' :. '*' :. rest) = go "" ((Var FromText, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2 where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest -- $@var: expands to (fromString $var) go acc cs ('$' :. '@' :. rest) = go "" ((Var FromString, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2 where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest -- $'var: expands to (singleton $var) go acc cs ('$' :. '\'' :. rest) = go "" ((Var FromChar, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2 where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest -- $^var: expands to (fromString (show $var)) go acc cs ('$' :. '^' :. rest) = go "" ((Var Show, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2 where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest -- $n*var (n a number): expands to builder var indented by n -- $n.var: same but var is a list go acc cs ('$' :. rest@(d :. _)) | isDigit d = go "" ((Var ty, var) : lit acc : cs) rest3 where (n', c :. rest2) = Text.span isDigit rest n = read $ Text.unpack n' (var, rest3) = splitVar rest2 ty = case c of '*' -> Reindent n '.' -> ReindentList n _ -> error $ "unknown reindent type " ++ show c -- $var: expands to that var's contents go acc cs ('$' :. rest) = go "" ((Var Plain, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2 where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest go acc cs (c :. rest) = go (acc <> singleton c) cs rest splitVar s | (var@(v :. _), s') <- Text.span isIdChar s, isLower v || v == '_' = (var, s') splitVar _ = error "invalid variable name" isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ['_', '\''] lit s = (Lit, toStrictText s) trimEnd = Text.dropWhileEnd isSpace chunksWithReindent :: String -> [Chunk] chunksWithReindent ('@':str) | [(n',rest)] <- lex str, Just n <- readMaybe n' = chunks $ toStrictText $ reindent n $ Text.pack rest chunksWithReindent str = chunks $ Text.pack str toStrictText :: Builder -> Text toStrictText = toStrict . toLazyText chunksToExpQ :: [Chunk] -> ExpQ chunksToExpQ cs = [|mconcat $es|] where es = listE $ mapMaybe chunk1 cs chunk1 (Lit, "") = Nothing chunk1 (Lit, lit) = Just $ stringE $ Text.unpack lit chunk1 (Var t, name) = Just $ case t of Plain -> var FromText -> [|fromText $var|] FromString -> [|fromString $var|] FromChar -> [|singleton $var|] Show -> [|fromString $ show $var|] Reindent n -> [|reindent n $var|] ReindentList n -> [|reindentList n $var|] where var = varE (mkName $ Text.unpack name) reindentList :: Int -> [Builder] -> Builder reindentList n = fold . mapInit (<> "\n") . mapTail (replicateB n ' ' <>) replicateB :: Int -> Char -> Builder replicateB n c = fromText $ Text.replicate n $ Text.singleton c mapInit :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapInit _ [] = [] mapInit _ [x] = [x] mapInit f (x:xs) = f x : mapInit f xs mapTail :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapTail _ [] = [] mapTail f (x:xs) = x : map f xs b :: QuasiQuoter b = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = chunksToExpQ . chunksWithReindent, quotePat = error "can't use in a pattern", quoteType = error "can't use in a type", quoteDec = error "can't use at top level" } pattern NilT :: Text pattern NilT <- (Text.null -> True) where NilT = "" infixr 5 :. pattern (:.) :: Char -> Text -> Text pattern c :. t <- (Text.uncons -> Just (c, t)) where c :. t = Text.cons c t {-# COMPLETE NilT, (:.) :: Text #-} fromChar :: Char -> Builder fromChar = singleton textMap :: (Char -> Builder) -> Text -> Builder textMap f = Text.foldl' (\buf c -> buf <> f c) mempty ifJust :: Monoid b => Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> b ifJust x f = maybe mempty f x