replace OverloadedLabels with OverloadedRecordDot

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2024-07-11 22:00:00 +02:00
parent cd5801dd7d
commit 28520eb443
8 changed files with 126 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ dependSingle' yamlDir indexFile info prefix build nsfw =
[b|$page: $deps $indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)|]
images =
maybe [] (toList . #all) $
if nsfw then Just $ #images info else #sfwImages info
maybe [] (toList . allImages) $
if nsfw then Just $ info.images else sfwImages info
paths = map #path images
dls = mapMaybe #download images
extras = #extras info
paths = map (.path) images
dls = mapMaybe (.download) images
extras = info.extras
dir = build </> prefix </> yamlDir
page = dir </> "index.html"
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ dependGallery' (GalleryInfo {prefix, filters})
infos = filter (matchFilters filters . #second) infos'
infos = filter (matchFilters filters . snd) infos'
files = map #first infos
files = map fst infos
files' = unwords $ map (data_ </>) files
page d = build </> prefix </> takeDirectory d </> "index.html"
@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ filtersToFlags (GalleryFilters {nsfw}) =
case nsfw of NoNsfw -> ""; _ -> "-n"
thumbnail :: Info -> FilePath
thumbnail = fromMaybe (error "no thumbnail or sfw images") . #thumb
thumbnail = fromMaybe (error "no thumbnail or sfw images") . thumb

View File

@ -91,21 +91,21 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters, hidden}) infos = [b|@0
infosByYear :: [(Int, [(FilePath, Info)])]
infosByYear = infos &
filter (not . #unlisted . snd) &
filter (not . (.unlisted) . snd) &
sortOn (Down . compareKeyFor nsfw . snd) &
groupOnKey (\(_, i) -> #latestYear i nsfw)
groupOnKey (\(_, i) -> latestYearFor nsfw i)
undir = joinPath (replicate (length (splitPath prefix)) "..")
allTags = infos
& concatMap (map (,1) . tagsFor nsfw . #second)
& concatMap (map (,1) . tagsFor nsfw . snd)
& HashMap.fromListWith (+) & HashMap.toList
& sort
requireFilters = map (uncurry $ makeFilter "require" mempty) allTags
excludeFilters = map (uncurry $ makeFilter "exclude" hidden) allTags
nsfw = #nsfw filters /= NoNsfw
nsfw = filters.nsfw /= NoNsfw
url = [b|$root/$prefix|]
@ -153,22 +153,21 @@ makeItem nsfw file info@(Info {bg}) = [b|@0
<li class="item post$nsfw'" data-year=$year' data-updated="$updated'"
<a href="$dir">
<img src="$thumb" loading=lazy$bgStyle
<img src="$thumbnail" loading=lazy$bgStyle
width=200 height=200
title = fromMaybe (#title info) $ #galleryTitle info
dir = takeDirectory file
thumb = getThumb dir info
nsfw' = if nsfw && #anyNsfw info then [b| nsfw|] else ""
tags' = fold $ intersperse ";" $ map fromText $ tagsFor nsfw info
date = #latestDate info nsfw
date' = formatTooltip date
year' = #year date
updated' = if #updated info nsfw then [b|true|] else [b|false|]
bgStyle = case bg of Other col -> [b| style="background: $col"|]; _ -> ""
tooltip =
let upd = if #updated info nsfw then "updated " else "" :: Builder in
[b|$title ($upd$date')|]
title = fromMaybe info.title $ info.galleryTitle
dir = takeDirectory file
thumbnail = getThumb dir info
nsfw' = if nsfw && anyNsfw info then [b| nsfw|] else ""
tags' = fold $ intersperse ";" $ map fromText $ tagsFor nsfw info
date = latestDateFor nsfw info
date' = formatTooltip date
year' = date.year
updated' = if hasUpdatesFor nsfw info then [b|true|] else [b|false|]
bgStyle = case bg of Other col -> [b| style="background: $col"|]; _ -> ""
tooltip = [b|$title ($upd$date')|]
where upd = if hasUpdatesFor nsfw info then "updated " else "" :: Builder

View File

@ -3,20 +3,31 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Info
(Info (..),
tagsFor, descFor, imagesFor, linksFor, updatesFor, lastUpdate,
anySfw, anyNsfw, allSfw, allNsfw,
allImages, sfwImages, nsfwImages,
thumb, latestDateFor, latestYearFor,
sfwLinks, nsfwLinks, sfwUpdates, nsfwUpdates,
updatesFor, hasUpdatesFor, lastUpdateFor,
tagsFor, descFor, imagesFor, linksFor,
CompareKey (..), compareKeyFor, compareFor, sortFor,
Artist (..), Images' (..), Images, Image (..), Desc (..), DescField (..),
Link (..), Update (..), Bg (..),
GalleryInfo (..), GalleryFilters (..), ArtistFilter (..), NsfwFilter (..),
IndexInfo (..),
readArtistFilter, matchArtist, readNsfwFilter, matchNsfw, matchFilters,
IndexInfo (..),
NoThumb (..), getThumb, thumbFile, pageFile, bigFile,
-- ** Reexports
Date (..), Day (..), Text, NonEmpty (..))
import Date
import Records
import GHC.Records
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
@ -38,7 +49,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.YAML (FromYAML (..), (.:), (.:?), (.!=))
import qualified Data.YAML as YAML
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeBaseName, takeExtension, splitExtension)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Semigroup
@ -49,7 +59,7 @@ data Info =
-- e.g. multiple things on the same day might have a,b,c in @sortEx@ to
-- put them in the right order in the gallery
sortEx :: !Text,
updates :: ![(Date, [Update])],
updates :: ![(Date, NonEmpty Update)],
-- | if false, don't show updated emblem even if @updates@ is non-empty
showUpdated :: !Bool,
-- | hide from gallery view
@ -123,13 +133,13 @@ data Update =
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance HasField "sfw" Image Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Link Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Update Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Image Bool where getField i = not i.nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Link Bool where getField i = not i.nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Update Bool where getField i = not i.nsfw
instance HasField "all" (Images' a) (NonEmpty a) where
getField (Uncat is) = is
getField (Cat cats) = sconcat $ fmap snd cats
allImages :: Images' a -> NonEmpty a
allImages (Uncat is) = is
allImages (Cat cats) = sconcat $ fmap snd cats
filterNE :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
filterNE p = nonEmpty . filter p . toList
@ -142,45 +152,51 @@ filterImages p (Uncat is) = Uncat <$> filterNE p is
filterImages p (Cat cats) =
fmap Cat $ catMaybesNE $ fmap (traverse $ filterNE p) cats
instance HasField "sfwImages" Info (Maybe Images) where
getField = filterImages #sfw . #images
instance HasField "nsfwImages" Info (Maybe Images) where
getField = filterImages #nsfw . #images
instance HasField "anySfw" Info Bool where getField = isJust . #sfwImages
instance HasField "anyNsfw" Info Bool where getField = isJust . #nsfwImages
instance HasField "allNsfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #anySfw
instance HasField "allSfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #anyNsfw
sfwImages, nsfwImages :: Info -> Maybe Images
sfwImages i = filterImages (.sfw) i.images
nsfwImages i = filterImages (.nsfw) i.images
instance HasField "sfwLinks" Info [Link] where
getField = filter #sfw . #links
instance HasField "nsfwLinks" Info [Link] where
getField = filter #nsfw . #links
anySfw, anyNsfw, allSfw, allNsfw :: Info -> Bool
anySfw = isJust . sfwImages
anyNsfw = isJust . nsfwImages
allSfw = not . anyNsfw
allNsfw = not . anySfw
instance HasField "sfwUpdates" Info [(Date, [Update])] where
getField = filter (not . null) . map (second (filter #sfw)) . #updates
instance HasField "nsfwUpdates" Info [(Date, [Update])] where
getField = filter (not . null) . map (second (filter #nsfw)) . #updates
sfwLinks, nsfwLinks :: Info -> [Link]
sfwLinks i = filter (.sfw) i.links
nsfwLinks i = filter (.nsfw) i.links
instance HasField "thumb" Info (Maybe FilePath) where
getField (Info {thumb', images}) =
thumb' <|> #path <$> find #sfw (#all images)
updatesWith :: (Update -> Bool) -> Info -> [(Date, NonEmpty Update)]
updatesWith p i = mapMaybe (traverse $ filterNE p) i.updates
instance HasField "mine" Info Bool where getField = isNothing . #artist
instance HasField "notMine" Info Bool where getField = isJust . #artist
updatesFor :: Bool -> Info -> [(Date, NonEmpty Update)]
updatesFor nsfw = updatesWith \u -> nsfw || u.sfw
instance HasField "latestDate" Info (Bool -> Date) where
getField info@(Info {date=date}) nsfw =
maximum $ date : mapMaybe relDate (updatesFor nsfw info)
relDate (date, us) = date <$ guard (not $ null us || any #ignoreSort us)
sfwUpdates, nsfwUpdates :: Info -> [(Date, NonEmpty Update)]
sfwUpdates = updatesWith (.sfw)
nsfwUpdates = updatesWith (.nsfw)
instance HasField "latestYear" Info (Bool -> Int) where
getField info nsfw = #year $ #latestDate info nsfw
lastUpdateFor :: Bool -> Info -> Maybe Date
lastUpdateFor nsfw info = case updatesFor nsfw info of
[] -> Nothing
us -> Just $ fst $ last us
instance HasField "updated" Info (Bool -> Bool) where
getField (Info {updates, showUpdated}) nsfw = showUpdated && updated where
updated = if nsfw then not $ null updates else any (any #sfw . snd) updates
thumb :: Info -> Maybe FilePath
thumb (Info {thumb', images}) =
thumb' <|> (.path) <$> find (.sfw) (allImages images)
latestDateFor :: Bool -> Info -> Date
latestDateFor nsfw i = maximum $ : mapMaybe relDate (updatesFor nsfw i)
relDate (date, us) = date <$ guard (not $ null us || any (.ignoreSort) us)
latestYearFor :: Bool -> Info -> Int
latestYearFor nsfw info = (latestDateFor nsfw info).year
hasUpdatesFor :: Bool -> Info -> Bool
hasUpdatesFor i nsfw = not $ null $ updatesFor i nsfw
defDescKey :: Text
defDescKey = "about"
@ -202,8 +218,8 @@ merge fs1 fs2 = go fs1 [] fs2 where
Nothing -> go first (x:unused) xs
insert [] _ = Nothing
insert (x:xs) y =
if #name x == #name y then
Just $ x {text = #text x <> #text y} : xs
if == then
Just $ x {text = x.text <> y.text} : xs
(x :) <$> insert xs y
@ -218,26 +234,19 @@ descFor :: Bool -> Info -> Desc
descFor nsfw (Info {desc, nsfwDesc}) = if nsfw then desc <> nsfwDesc else desc
tagsFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Text]
tagsFor nsfw i = if nsfw then nub (#tags i <> #nsfwTags i) else #tags i
tagsFor nsfw i = if nsfw then nub $ i.tags <> i.nsfwTags else i.tags
imagesFor :: Bool -> Info -> Maybe Images
imagesFor nsfw = if nsfw then Just . #images else #sfwImages
imagesFor nsfw i = if nsfw then Just i.images else sfwImages i
linksFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Link]
linksFor nsfw = if nsfw then #links else #sfwLinks
updatesFor :: Bool -> Info -> [(Date, [Update])]
updatesFor nsfw = if nsfw then #updates else #sfwUpdates
lastUpdate :: Bool -> Info -> Maybe Date
lastUpdate nsfw info =
case updatesFor nsfw info of [] -> Nothing; us -> Just $ fst $ last us
linksFor nsfw i = if nsfw then i.links else sfwLinks i
data CompareKey = MkCompareKey !Date !Text !Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
compareKeyFor :: Bool -> Info -> CompareKey
compareKeyFor nsfw i = MkCompareKey (#latestDate i nsfw) (#sortEx i) (#title i)
compareKeyFor nsfw i = MkCompareKey (latestDateFor nsfw i) i.sortEx i.title
compareFor :: Bool -> Info -> Info -> Ordering
compareFor nsfw = comparing $ compareKeyFor nsfw
@ -252,7 +261,7 @@ instance Show NoThumb where show (NoThumb dir) = "no thumbnail for " ++ dir
getThumb :: FilePath -> Info -> FilePath
getThumb dir =
maybe (throw $ NoThumb dir) (\t -> dir </> thumbFile t) . #thumb
maybe (throw $ NoThumb dir) (\t -> dir </> thumbFile t) . thumb
thumbFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
thumbFile = addSuffix "_small"
@ -385,9 +394,11 @@ instance FromYAML Link where
pure $ Link {title, url, nsfw}
updateList :: Maybe (YAML.Node YAML.Pos) -> YAML.Parser [(Date, [Update])]
updateList :: Maybe (YAML.Node YAML.Pos) ->
YAML.Parser [(Date, NonEmpty Update)]
updateList =
maybe (pure []) $ YAML.withMap "updates" $ traverse bodies . Map.toList
maybe (pure []) $ YAML.withMap "updates" $
nonEmptys <=< traverse bodies . Map.toList
bodies (date', rest) = (,) <$> parseYAML date' <*> body rest
body b =
@ -402,6 +413,8 @@ updateList =
nsfw <- m .:? "nsfw" .!= False
ignoreSort <- m .:? "ignore-sort" .!= False
pure $ Update {desc, nsfw, ignoreSort}
nonEmptys = traverse $ traverse $
maybe (fail "expected non-empty list") pure . nonEmpty
data GalleryInfo =
@ -415,7 +428,7 @@ data GalleryInfo =
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HasField "nsfw" GalleryInfo Bool where
getField g = #nsfw (#filters g) /= NoNsfw
getField g = g.filters.nsfw /= NoNsfw
data GalleryFilters =
GalleryFilters {
@ -434,8 +447,8 @@ readNsfwFilter "all" = pure AllN
readNsfwFilter _ = empty
matchNsfw :: NsfwFilter -> Info -> Bool
matchNsfw NoNsfw i = #anySfw i && not (#nsfwOnly i)
matchNsfw OnlyNsfw i = #anyNsfw i
matchNsfw NoNsfw i = anySfw i && not i.nsfwOnly
matchNsfw OnlyNsfw i = anyNsfw i
matchNsfw AllN _ = True
instance FromYAML NsfwFilter where
@ -452,9 +465,9 @@ readArtistFilter "all" = pure AllA
readArtistFilter _ = empty
matchArtist :: ArtistFilter -> Info -> Bool
matchArtist Me = #mine
matchArtist NotMe = #notMine
matchArtist AllA = const True
matchArtist Me i = isNothing i.artist
matchArtist NotMe i = isJust i.artist
matchArtist AllA _ = True
noFilters :: GalleryFilters
noFilters =
@ -465,7 +478,7 @@ matchFilters (GalleryFilters {nsfw, artist, require, exclude}) i =
matchNsfw nsfw i && matchArtist artist i &&
all (\t -> HashSet.member t tags) require &&
all (\t -> not $ HashSet.member t tags) exclude
where tags = HashSet.fromList $ #tags i
where tags = HashSet.fromList i.tags
instance FromYAML GalleryInfo where

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ main = do
main2 :: HasVerbose => ModeOptions -> IO ()
main2 (SinglePage {root, file, prefix, index, dataDir, nsfw, output}) = do
siteName <- #title <$> readYAML @IndexInfo index
siteName <- (.title) <$> readYAML @IndexInfo index
info <- readYAML file
printV $ "contents" := info
let dir = takeDirectory $ makeRelative dataDir file
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ galleryFromIndex :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO GalleryInfo
galleryFromIndex file prefix = do
IndexInfo {galleries} <- readYAML file
maybe (fail $ "no gallery with prefix " ++ prefix) pure $
List.find (\g -> #prefix g == prefix) galleries
List.find (\g -> g.prefix == prefix) galleries
decode1Must :: YAML.FromYAML a => FilePath -> ByteString -> IO a
decode1Must file txt =

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module RSS (make, make') where
import Date
import Info
import BuilderQQ
import Records ()
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
@ -38,10 +37,10 @@ make' root ginfo@(GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix}) output infos = [b|@0
link = [b|$root/$prefix|]
nsfw = #nsfw ginfo
nsfw = ginfo.nsfw
items = map (uncurry $ makeItem root prefix nsfw) $
sortBy (flip (compareFor nsfw `on` #second)) $
filter (not . #unlisted . snd) infos
sortBy (flip (compareFor nsfw `on` snd)) $
filter (not . (.unlisted) . snd) infos
selflink = case output of
Nothing -> ""
Just o -> [b|<atom:link href="$link/$o" rel="self" />|]
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ makeItem root prefix nsfw path i@(Info {title, artist}) = [b|@4
up = if #updated i nsfw then [b| (updated)|] else ""
up = if hasUpdatesFor nsfw i then [b| (updated)|] else ""
dir = takeDirectory path
link = [b|$root/$prefix/$dir|]
artist' = ifJust artist \case
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ makeItem root prefix nsfw path i@(Info {title, artist}) = [b|@4
Artist {name, url = Just url} -> [b|<p>by <a href=$url>$name</a>|]
desc = descFor nsfw i
desc' = makeDesc desc
descArtist' = if #exists desc || isJust artist then [b|@6
descArtist' = if desc.exists || isJust artist then [b|@6
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ makeItem root prefix nsfw path i@(Info {title, artist}) = [b|@4
else ""
date = formatRSS $ #latestDate i nsfw
date = formatRSS $ latestDateFor nsfw i
makeDesc :: Desc -> Builder
makeDesc NoDesc = ""

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Records (HasField (..)) where
import GHC.Records
import GHC.OverloadedLabels
instance HasField x r a => IsLabel x (r -> a) where
fromLabel = getField @x
instance HasField "first" (a, b) a where getField (x, _) = x
instance HasField "second" (a, b) b where getField (_, y) = y
instance HasField "first" (a, b, c) a where getField (x, _, _) = x
instance HasField "second" (a, b, c) b where getField (_, y, _) = y
instance HasField "third" (a, b, c) c where getField (_, _, z) = z
instance HasField "first" (a, b, c, d) a where getField (x, _, _, _) = x
instance HasField "second" (a, b, c, d) b where getField (_, y, _, _) = y
instance HasField "third" (a, b, c, d) c where getField (_, _, z, _) = z
instance HasField "fourth" (a, b, c, d) d where getField (_, _, _, w) = w

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module SinglePage (make) where
import Date
import Info
import BuilderQQ
import Records ()
import qualified NsfwWarning
import Control.Exception
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList)
-- | e.g. only nsfw images are present for a non-nsfw page
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
let buttonBar = makeButtonBar title $ addIds images
let image0 :| otherImages = #all images
let image0 :| otherImages = allImages images
let Image {path = path0, download = download0'} = image0
let download0 = fromMaybe (bigFile path0) download0'
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
if you can let me know i'd appreciate it
let warning'
| Just w <- #warning image0 = makeWarning w
| #nsfw image0 = makeWarning defWarning
| otherwise = mempty
| Just w <- image0.warning = makeWarning w
| image0.nsfw = makeWarning defWarning
| otherwise = mempty
let warningT = makeWarning [b|.|]
let bgStyle = case bg of
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
let desc = case artist of
Just (Artist {name}) -> [b|by $name|]
Nothing -> "by niss"
let thumb = getThumb "" info
let thumbnail = getThumb "" info
let updateDate = ifJust (last' updates) \(d, _) ->
let updated = formatLong d in
@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
let nsfwDialog = NsfwWarning.dialog nsfw'
let imageMeta =
if #sfw image0 && isNothing (#warning image0) then [b|@0
if image0.sfw && isNothing image0.warning then [b|@0
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$path0'">
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary_large_image>
<meta name=twitter:image content="$url/$path0'">
|] else [b|@0
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$thumb">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$thumbnail">
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary>
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ addIds = snd . mapAccumL makeId Set.empty where
makeId used img = (Set.insert newId used, (img, newId)) where
newId = headI $ filterI (\i -> not $ i `Set.member` used) ids
ids = fmap (\i -> toStrictText [b|$label$i|]) suffixes
label = escId $ #label img
label = escId $ img.label
pattern One :: a -> NonEmpty a
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ makeButtonBar title images =
</ul> |]
where elems = fmap (uncurry altButton) imgs
skipAll =
if any (isJust . #warning . fst) images then
if any (isJust . (.warning) . fst) images then
<div class=buttonbar id=skipAllDiv>
<input type=checkbox name=skipAll id=skipAll>
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ extLink (Link {title, url}) = [b|@8
makeUpdates :: [(Date, [Update])] -> Builder
makeUpdates :: [(Date, NonEmpty Update)] -> Builder
makeUpdates ups =
if all (null . snd) ups then "" else [b|@4
<section id=updates class=info-section>
@ -361,13 +361,12 @@ makeUpdates ups =
where updateList = map (uncurry makeUpdate) ups
where updateList = fmap (uncurry makeUpdate) ups
makeUpdate :: Date -> [Update] -> Builder
makeUpdate _ [] = ""
makeUpdate :: Date -> NonEmpty Update -> Builder
makeUpdate date ups = [b|@8
|] where
date' = formatSlash date
desc = mconcat $ map fromText $ intersperse "; " $ map #desc ups
desc = mconcat $ map fromText $ intersperse "; " $ toList $ fmap (.desc) ups

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ executable make-pages
main-is: Main.hs
@ -32,9 +31,9 @@ executable make-pages