remove uses of head/tail
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 81 additions and 37 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
data ChunkType = Lit | Var VarType deriving Show
data VarType =
@ -188,3 +189,7 @@ deriving via ShowBuild Integer instance CanBuild Integer
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} CanBuild a => CanBuild [a] where
build = foldMap \x -> build x <> "\n"
reindent n = fold . intersperse ("\n" <> replicateB n ' ') . map build
instance CanBuild a => CanBuild (NonEmpty a) where
build = build . toList
reindent n = reindent n . toList
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Info hiding (Text)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Foldable
import System.FilePath
@ -27,7 +28,9 @@ dependSingle' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Info -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
dependSingle' yamlDir indexFile info prefix build nsfw =
[b|$page: $deps $indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)|]
images = #all if nsfw then #images info else #sfwImages info
images =
maybe [] (toList . #all) $
if nsfw then Just $ #images info else #sfwImages info
paths = map #path images
dls = mapMaybe #download images
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Info
readArtistFilter, matchArtist, readNsfwFilter, matchNsfw, matchFilters,
NoThumb (..), getThumb, thumbFile, pageFile, bigFile,
-- ** Reexports
Date (..), Day (..), Text)
Date (..), Day (..), Text, NonEmpty (..))
import Date
@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.List (nub, sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList, nonEmpty)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ import Data.YAML (FromYAML (..), (.:), (.:?), (.!=))
import qualified Data.YAML as YAML
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeBaseName, takeExtension, splitExtension)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Semigroup
data Info =
@ -98,8 +100,8 @@ data Image =
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Images' a =
Uncat [a] -- ^ uncategorised
| Cat [(Text, [a])] -- ^ categorised
Uncat (NonEmpty a) -- ^ uncategorised
| Cat (NonEmpty (Text, NonEmpty a)) -- ^ categorised
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type Images = Images' Image
@ -125,23 +127,29 @@ instance HasField "sfw" Image Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Link Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "sfw" Update Bool where getField = not . #nsfw
instance HasField "all" (Images' a) [a] where
instance HasField "all" (Images' a) (NonEmpty a) where
getField (Uncat is) = is
getField (Cat cats) = foldMap snd cats
getField (Cat cats) = sconcat $ fmap snd cats
filterImages :: (a -> Bool) -> Images' a -> Images' a
filterImages p (Uncat is) = Uncat $ filter p is
filterNE :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
filterNE p = nonEmpty . filter p . toList
catMaybesNE :: NonEmpty (Maybe a) -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
catMaybesNE = nonEmpty . catMaybes . toList
filterImages :: (a -> Bool) -> Images' a -> Maybe (Images' a)
filterImages p (Uncat is) = Uncat <$> filterNE p is
filterImages p (Cat cats) =
Cat $ filter (not . null . snd) $ map (second $ filter p) cats
fmap Cat $ catMaybesNE $ fmap (traverse $ filterNE p) cats
instance HasField "sfwImages" Info Images where
instance HasField "sfwImages" Info (Maybe Images) where
getField = filterImages #sfw . #images
instance HasField "nsfwImages" Info Images where
instance HasField "nsfwImages" Info (Maybe Images) where
getField = filterImages #nsfw . #images
instance HasField "allNsfw" Info Bool where getField = null . #all . #sfwImages
instance HasField "allSfw" Info Bool where getField = null . #all . #nsfwImages
instance HasField "anySfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #allNsfw
instance HasField "anyNsfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #allSfw
instance HasField "anySfw" Info Bool where getField = isJust . #sfwImages
instance HasField "anyNsfw" Info Bool where getField = isJust . #nsfwImages
instance HasField "allNsfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #anySfw
instance HasField "allSfw" Info Bool where getField = not . #anyNsfw
instance HasField "sfwLinks" Info [Link] where
getField = filter #sfw . #links
@ -212,8 +220,8 @@ descFor nsfw (Info {desc, nsfwDesc}) = if nsfw then desc <> nsfwDesc else desc
tagsFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Text]
tagsFor nsfw i = if nsfw then nub (#tags i <> #nsfwTags i) else #tags i
imagesFor :: Bool -> Info -> Images
imagesFor nsfw = if nsfw then #images else #sfwImages
imagesFor :: Bool -> Info -> Maybe Images
imagesFor nsfw = if nsfw then Just . #images else #sfwImages
linksFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Link]
linksFor nsfw = if nsfw then #links else #sfwLinks
@ -322,8 +330,14 @@ instance FromYAML Desc where
instance FromYAML DescField where parseYAML = withPair DescField
imageList :: YAML.Node YAML.Pos -> YAML.Parser [Image]
imageList y = pure <$> unlabelledImage y <|> parseYAML y
parseYAMLNE :: FromYAML a => YAML.Node YAML.Pos -> YAML.Parser (NonEmpty a)
parseYAMLNE = YAML.withSeq "non-empty sequence" \ys ->
case nonEmpty ys of
Just ys' -> traverse YAML.parseYAML ys'
Nothing -> fail "expected non-empty sequence"
imageList :: YAML.Node YAML.Pos -> YAML.Parser (NonEmpty Image)
imageList y = pure <$> unlabelledImage y <|> parseYAMLNE y
instance FromYAML Image where
parseYAML y = unlabelledImage y <|> labelled y where
@ -353,7 +367,10 @@ unlabelledImage' label' y = asStr y <|> asObj y
instance FromYAML Images where
parseYAML y = Uncat <$> imageList y
<|> Cat <$> YAML.withSeq "list of categories" fromPairs y
where fromPairs = traverse $ withPairM \label -> fmap (label,) . imageList
fromPairs (nonEmpty -> Just xs) =
traverse (withPairM \label -> fmap (label,) . imageList) xs
fromPairs _ = YAML.typeMismatch "non-empty list" y
instance FromYAML Link where
parseYAML =
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module SinglePage (make) where
import Date
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Semigroup
-- | e.g. only nsfw images are present for a non-nsfw page
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ make' :: Text -> Text -> FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Info
-> IO Builder
make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
let images = imagesFor nsfw info
images <- maybe (throw $ NoEligibleImages title) pure $ imagesFor nsfw info
let undir = joinPath (replicate (length (splitPath dir)) "..")
@ -49,9 +51,8 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
let buttonBar = makeButtonBar title $ addIds images
let allImages = #all images
let image0@(Image {path = path0, download = download0'}) = head allImages
let otherImages = tail allImages
let image0 :| otherImages = #all images
let Image {path = path0, download = download0'} = image0
let download0 = fromMaybe (bigFile path0) download0'
let path0' = pageFile path0
@ -229,27 +230,44 @@ makeDesc (LongDesc fs) = [b|@0
data Inf a = a :> Inf a deriving Functor
headI :: Inf a -> a
headI (x :> _) = x
suffixes :: Inf String
suffixes = "" :> go 0 where
go :: Int -> Inf String
go i = show i :> go (i + 1)
filterI :: (a -> Bool) -> Inf a -> Inf a
filterI p (x :> xs) = if p x then x :> filterI p xs else filterI p xs
addIds :: Traversable t => t Image -> t (Image, Text)
addIds = snd . mapAccumL makeId Set.empty where
makeId used img = (Set.insert newId used, (img, newId)) where
newId = head $ filter (\i -> not $ i `Set.member` used) ids
ids = [toStrictText [b|$label$i|] | i <- "" : map show [0::Int ..]]
newId = headI $ filterI (\i -> not $ i `Set.member` used) ids
ids = fmap (\i -> toStrictText [b|$label$i|]) suffixes
label = escId $ #label img
pattern One :: a -> NonEmpty a
pattern One x = x :| []
makeButtonBar :: Strict.Text -> Images' (Image, Text) -> Builder
makeButtonBar title images =
case images of
Uncat [] -> throw $ NoEligibleImages title
Uncat [_] -> ""
Cat [(_,[_])] -> ""
Uncat (One _) -> ""
Cat (One (_, One _)) -> ""
Uncat imgs -> makeNav "uncat" $ makeAlts imgs
Cat cats
| all ((<= 1) . length . snd) cats ->
| all ((== 1) . length . snd) cats ->
makeButtonBar title $ Uncat $ flatten cats
| [(_, imgs)] <- cats ->
makeButtonBar title (Uncat imgs)
| otherwise ->
makeNav "cat" $ map (uncurry makeCat) cats
makeNav "cat" $ fmap (uncurry makeCat) cats
makeNav :: CanBuild b => Text -> b -> Builder
makeNav cls inner = [b|@0
@ -267,7 +285,7 @@ makeButtonBar title images =
<ul class="buttonbar bb-choice">
</ul> |]
where elems = map (uncurry altButton) imgs
where elems = fmap (uncurry altButton) imgs
skipAll =
if any (isJust . #warning . fst) images then
@ -278,9 +296,10 @@ makeButtonBar title images =
else ""
flatten :: [(Text, [(Image, a)])] -> [(Image, Text)]
flatten cats =
addIds [(img {label = cat}) | (cat, is) <- cats, (img, _) <- is]
flatten :: NonEmpty (Text, NonEmpty (Image, a)) -> NonEmpty (Image, Text)
flatten =
addIds . sconcat .
fmap (\(t, is) -> fmap (\(i, _) -> i {label = t}) is)
altButton :: Image -> Text -> Builder
altButton img i = [b|@0
Add table
Reference in a new issue