add image descriptions/alt text
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 29 additions and 18 deletions
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ makeItem nsfw file info@(Info {bg}) = [b|
<a href="$dir">
<img src="$thumbnail" loading=lazy$bgStyle
width=200 height=200
alt="$title" title="$tooltip">
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ data Image =
label :: !Text,
path :: !FilePath,
download :: !(Maybe FilePath),
desc :: !Text,
nsfw :: !Bool,
warning :: !(Maybe Text),
resize :: !Bool
@ -369,17 +370,18 @@ unlabelledImage' label' y = asStr y <|> asObj y
asStr = YAML.withStr "path" \(Text.unpack -> path) ->
let label = fromMaybe (pathToLabel path) label' in
pure $ Image {label, path, download = Nothing,
pure $ Image {label, path, download = Nothing, desc = "",
nsfw = False, warning = Nothing, resize = True}
asObj = YAML.withMap "image info" \m -> do
checkKeys m ["path", "download", "nsfw", "warning", "resize"]
checkKeys m ["path", "download", "desc", "nsfw", "warning", "resize"]
path <- m .: "path"
download <- m .:? "download"
desc <- m .:? "desc" .!= ""
nsfw <- m .:? "nsfw" .!= False
warning <- m .:? "warning"
resize <- m .:? "resize" .!= True
let label = fromMaybe (pathToLabel path) label'
pure $ Image {label, path, download, nsfw, warning, resize}
pure $ Image {label, path, download, nsfw, warning, desc, resize}
pathToLabel = Text.pack . gapToSpace . takeBaseName
gapToSpace = map \case '-' -> ' '; '_' -> ' '; c -> c
@ -407,14 +409,13 @@ instance FromYAML Link where
updateList :: Maybe (YAML.Node YAML.Pos) ->
YAML.Parser [(Date, NonEmpty Update)]
updateList =
maybe (pure []) $ YAML.withMap "updates" $
nonEmptys <=< traverse bodies . Map.toList
maybe (pure []) $ YAML.withMap "updates" $ traverse bodies . Map.toList
bodies (date', rest) = (,) <$> parseYAML date' <*> body rest
body b =
return <$> body1 b
<|> YAML.withSeq "update list" (traverse body1) b
body b = return <$> body1 b <|> YAML.withSeq "update list" (bodyN b) b
body1 b = asDesc b <|> asObj b
bodyN y =
maybe (YAML.typeMismatch "non-empty list" y) (traverse body1) . nonEmpty
asDesc = YAML.withStr "desc" \desc ->
pure $ Update {desc, nsfw = False, ignoreSort = False}
asObj = YAML.withMap "update info" \m -> do
@ -423,8 +424,6 @@ updateList =
nsfw <- m .:? "nsfw" .!= False
ignoreSort <- m .:? "ignore-sort" .!= False
pure $ Update {desc, nsfw, ignoreSort}
nonEmptys = traverse $ traverse $
maybe (fail "expected non-empty list") pure . nonEmpty
data GalleryInfo =
@ -88,10 +88,16 @@ makeItem root prefix nsfw path info@(Info {title}) = [b|
desc = makeDesc $ descFor nsfw info
image = case previewImage info of
Just (PFull img) -> figure $ pageFile img
Just (PThumb th) -> figure $ thumbFile th
Just (PFull img) -> figure img.desc $ pageFile img
Just (PThumb th) -> figure "full image hidden" $ thumbFile th
Nothing -> ""
figure p = [b|<figure> <a href="$link"><img src="$link/$p"></a> </figure>|]
figure alt p = [b|
<figure aria-describedby=mainimg>
<a href="$link">
<img id=mainimg src="$link/$p" alt="$alt" title="$alt">
makeDesc :: Desc -> Builder
makeDesc NoDesc = ""
@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
Just (Artist {name}) -> [b|by $name|]
Nothing -> "by niss"
let alt = image0.desc
let updateDate = ifJust (last' updates) \(d, _) ->
let updated = formatLong d in
[b|<br> <span class=updated>updated $updated</span>|]
@ -156,10 +158,10 @@ make' root siteName prefix nsfw _dataDir dir
<figure id=mainfig>
<figure id=mainfig aria-labelledby=mainimg>
<a id=mainlink href="$download0" title="download full version">
<img id=mainimg src="$path0'" alt="">
<img id=mainimg src="$path0'" alt="$alt" title="$alt">
@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ altButton :: Image -> Text -> Builder
altButton img i = [b|
<input type=radio name=variant id="$i" value="$path'"
data-link="$link"$warning' data-alt="$alt">
<label for="$i"$nsfwLabelClass>$label</label>
@ -307,6 +309,7 @@ altButton img i = [b|
path' = pageFile img
link = fromMaybe (bigFile img) download
warning' = ifJust warning \(escAttr -> w) -> [b|$& data-warning="$w"|]
alt = img.desc
makeTags :: FilePath -> [Strict.Text] -> Builder
makeTags undir tags =
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ function addCWListeners(id: string | null, caption: HTMLElement): void {
e => { if (e.key == 'Enter') openCW(id, caption, true) });
function setImage(id: string, src: string, href: string, cw: string): void {
function setImage(id: string, src: string, href: string,
alt: string, cw: string): void {
const curCw = document.getElementById('cw');
const coverNew = cw != '' && !opened.has(id) && !skipAll.checked;
@ -45,12 +46,14 @@ function setImage(id: string, src: string, href: string, cw: string): void {
// else no cover before or after
mainimg.src = src;
mainimg.alt = mainimg.title = alt;
mainlink.href = href;
function activateButton(button: HTMLInputElement, doPush = true): void {
setImage(, button.value,
button.dataset.alt ?? '',
button.dataset.warning ?? '');
if (doPush) history.pushState(null, '', '#' +;
Add table
Reference in a new issue