2024-11-05 00:21:35 +01:00
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module TagTransforms
(TransformResult (..),
TagWarning (..), showWarning, printWarning,
matchWarning, applyImplies, applyTransforms1, applyTransforms,
import Info
import BuilderQQ qualified as Builder
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Array.Base ((!?))
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Text.Regex.TDFA qualified as Regex
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), asum)
2024-11-05 14:43:59 +01:00
import Control.Monad.Writer.CPS
2024-11-05 00:21:35 +01:00
data TagWarning
= ReplaceWarn Text Text
| PresenceWarn Text
| UndefinedCapture Int Text
| ReplaceParseError Text
deriving Show
data TransformResult = TR (HashSet Text) [TagWarning]
deriving Show
instance Semigroup TransformResult where
TR t1 w1 <> TR t2 w2 = TR (t1 <> t2) (w1 <> w2)
instance Monoid TransformResult where
mempty = TR [] []
showWarning :: FilePath -> TagWarning -> String
showWarning file (ReplaceWarn from to) =
file ++ ": contains tag " ++ show from ++
" (replacing with " ++ show to ++ ")"
showWarning file (PresenceWarn what) =
file ++ ": contains tag " ++ show what
showWarning file (UndefinedCapture i txt) =
file ++ ": replacement string " ++ show txt ++
" contains undefined capture group $" ++ show i
showWarning file (ReplaceParseError txt) =
file ++ ": cannot parse replacement string " ++ show txt
printWarning :: FilePath -> TagWarning -> IO ()
printWarning f w =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "[WARN] " ++ showWarning f w
matchWarning :: Text -> Warning -> Bool
matchWarning txt (RegexW _ rx) = Regex.match rx txt
matchWarning txt (LiteralW l) = l == txt
applyImplies1 :: Array Int Text -> Replacement -> TransformResult
applyImplies1 subs (Re txt rhs) =
case traverse app rhs of
Left i -> TR [] [UndefinedCapture i txt]
Right oks -> TR [Builder.toStrictText $ mconcat oks] []
app (Left str) = Right $ Builder.build str
app (Right i) = case subs !? i of
Just sub -> Right $ Builder.build sub
Nothing -> Left i
applyImplies :: Text -> Implies -> Maybe TransformResult
applyImplies tag (RegexI _ rx outs) =
let res = Regex.mrSubs $ Regex.match rx tag in
if null res then empty else pure $ foldMap (applyImplies1 res) outs
applyImplies tag (LiteralI str outs) =
TR (HashSet.fromList outs) [] <$ guard (tag == str)
ifJust :: Applicative m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m Bool
ifJust m f = maybe (pure False) (\x -> True <$ f x) m
applyTransforms1 :: TagTransforms -> Text -> TransformResult
applyTransforms1 t = execWriter . go where
go tag = do
replacedW <- ifJust (HashMap.lookup tag t.replaceWarn) \out -> do
tell $ TR [] [ReplaceWarn tag out]
go out
replaced <- ifJust (HashMap.lookup tag t.replace) go
unless (replacedW || replaced) do
tell $ TR [tag] []
when (any (matchWarning tag) t.warn) do
tell $ TR [] [PresenceWarn tag]
forM_ (asum $ map (applyImplies tag) t.implies) \(TR tags ws) -> do
tell $ TR [] ws
forM_ tags go
applyTransforms :: Foldable f => TagTransforms -> f Text -> TransformResult
applyTransforms t tags = foldMap (applyTransforms1 t) tags
transformInfoTags :: TagTransforms -> Info -> Info
transformInfoTags t (Info {..}) =
let TR tags' _ = applyTransforms t tags
TR nsfwTags' _ = applyTransforms t nsfwTags in
Info {
tags = HashSet.difference tags' excludeTags,
nsfwTags = HashSet.difference nsfwTags' excludeTags, ..