import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import System.FilePath import System.FilePath.Find import System.FilePath.Manip import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~)) -- Get a list of all symlinks. getDanglingLinks :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getDanglingLinks = find always (fileType ==? SymbolicLink &&? followStatus ==? Nothing) -- Rename all ".cpp" files to ".C". renameCppToC :: FilePath -> IO () renameCppToC path = find always (extension ==? ".cpp") path >>= mapM_ (renameWith (replaceExtension ".C")) -- A recursion control predicate that will avoid recursing into -- directories commonly used by revision control tools. noRCS :: RecursionPredicate noRCS = (`elem` ["_darcs","SCCS","CVS",".svn",".hg",".git"]) `liftM` fileName cSources :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] cSources = find noRCS (extension ==? ".c" ||? extension ==? ".h") -- Replace all uses of "monkey" with "simian", saving the original copy -- of the file with a ".bak" extension: monkeyAround :: FilePath -> IO () monkeyAround = modifyWithBackup (<.> "bak") (unwords . map reMonkey . words) where reMonkey x = if x == "monkey" then "simian" else x -- Given a simple grep, it's easy to construct a recursive grep. grep :: (Int -> S.ByteString -> a) -> String -> S.ByteString -> [a] grep f pat s = consider 0 (S.lines s) where consider _ [] = [] consider n (l:ls) | S.null l = consider (n+1) ls consider n (l:ls) | l =~ pat = (f n l):ls' | otherwise = ls' where ls' = consider (n+1) ls grepFile :: (Int -> S.ByteString -> a) -> String -> FilePath -> IO [a] grepFile f pat name = grep f pat `liftM` S.readFile name recGrep :: String -> FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, Int, S.ByteString)] recGrep pat top = find always (fileType ==? RegularFile) top >>= mapM ((,,) >>= flip grepFile pat) >>= return . concat