Strictify the fold.

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Bryan O'Sullivan 2007-06-24 16:59:43 +00:00
parent e9bf871169
commit e3baf08e0a
1 changed files with 9 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -249,10 +249,11 @@ find = findWithHandler warnOnError
-- | Search a directory recursively, with recursion controlled by a
-- 'RecursionPredicate'. Fold over all files found. Any errors that
-- occur are dealt with by the given handler. The fold function is
-- run from \"left\" to \"right\", so it should be strict in its left
-- argument to avoid space leaks. If you need a right-to-left fold,
-- use 'foldr' on the result of 'findWithHandler' instead.
-- occur are dealt with by the given handler. The fold is strict, and
-- run from \"left\" to \"right\", so the folded function should be
-- strict in its left argument to avoid space leaks. If you need a
-- right-to-left fold, use 'foldr' on the result of 'findWithHandler'
-- instead.
:: (FilePath -> a -> E.Exception -> IO a) -- ^ error handler
-> RecursionPredicate -- ^ control recursion into subdirectories
@ -267,10 +268,12 @@ foldWithHandler errHandler recurse f state path =
where visit state path depth st =
if F.isDirectory st && evalFI recurse path depth st
then traverse state path (succ depth) st
else return (f state (mkFI path depth st))
else let state' = f state (mkFI path depth st)
in state' `seq` return state'
traverse state dir depth dirSt = E.handle (errHandler dir state) $
getDirContents dir >>=
flip foldM (f state (mkFI dir depth dirSt)) (\state name ->
let state' = f state (mkFI dir depth dirSt)
in state' `seq` flip foldM state' (\state name ->
E.handle (errHandler dir state) $
let path = dir </> name
in F.getSymbolicLinkStatus path >>= visit state path depth)