Add new files.

extra : convert_revision : 3b8798ab5761cade42d7f59897f5c0c8564399b2
This commit is contained in:
Bryan O'Sullivan 2007-04-30 06:30:30 +00:00
parent 7cc61dc7f7
commit 460b27badc
2 changed files with 475 additions and 0 deletions

System/FilePath/Find.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
module System.FilePath.Find (
, FindClause
, FilterPredicate
, RecursionPredicate
, find
, findWithHandler
, fold
, foldWithHandler
, filePath
, fileStatus
, depth
, always
, extension
, directory
, fileName
, fileType
, deviceID
, fileID
, fileOwner
, fileGroup
, fileSize
, linkCount
, specialDeviceID
, fileMode
, filePerms
, anyPerms
, accessTime
, modificationTime
, statusChangeTime
, (~?)
, (/~?)
, (==?)
, (/=?)
, (>?)
, (<?)
, (>=?)
, (<=?)
, (&&?)
, (||?)
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, liftM, liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.State (State(..), evalState)
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.))
import Data.List (sort)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory, takeExtension, takeFileName)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO, unsafePerformIO)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import qualified System.Posix.Files as F
import qualified System.Posix.Types as T
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as G
type Info = (FilePath, Int, F.FileStatus)
newtype FindClause a = FI { runFI :: State Info a }
deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadFix)
evalFI :: FindClause a
-> FilePath
-> Int
-> F.FileStatus
-> a
evalFI m p d s = evalState (runFI m) (p, d, s)
mkFI = FI . State
filePath :: FindClause FilePath
filePath = mkFI $ \st@(p, _, _) -> (p, st)
fileStatus :: FindClause F.FileStatus
fileStatus = mkFI $ \st@(_, _, s) -> (s, st)
depth :: FindClause Int
depth = mkFI $ \st@(_, d, _) -> (d, st)
type FilterPredicate = FindClause Bool
type RecursionPredicate = FindClause Bool
getDirContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirContents dir = (sort . filter goodName) `liftM` getDirectoryContents dir
where goodName "." = False
goodName ".." = False
goodName _ = True
findWithHandler :: (FilePath -> E.Exception -> IO [FilePath])
-> RecursionPredicate
-> FilterPredicate
-> FilePath
-> IO [FilePath]
findWithHandler errHandler recurse filter path =
E.handle (errHandler path) $ F.getSymbolicLinkStatus path >>= visit path 0
where visit path depth st =
if F.isDirectory st && evalFI recurse path depth st
then unsafeInterleaveIO (traverse path (succ depth) st)
else filterPath path depth st []
traverse dir depth dirSt = do
names <- E.catch (getDirContents dir) (errHandler dir)
filteredPaths <- forM names $ \name -> do
let path = dir </> name
unsafeInterleaveIO $ E.handle (errHandler path)
(F.getSymbolicLinkStatus path >>= visit path depth)
filterPath dir depth dirSt (concat filteredPaths)
filterPath path depth st result =
return $ if evalFI filter path depth st
then path:result
else result
find :: RecursionPredicate
-> FilterPredicate
-> FilePath
-> IO [FilePath]
find = findWithHandler warnOnError
where warnOnError path err =
hPutStrLn stderr (path ++ ": " ++ show err) >> return []
foldWithHandler :: (FilePath -> a -> E.Exception -> IO a)
-> RecursionPredicate
-> (a -> FindClause a)
-> a
-> FilePath
-> IO a
foldWithHandler errHandler recurse f state path =
E.handle (errHandler path state) $
F.getSymbolicLinkStatus path >>= visit state path 0
where visit state path depth st =
if F.isDirectory st && evalFI recurse path depth st
then traverse state path (succ depth) st
else return (evalFI (f state) path depth st)
traverse state dir depth dirSt = E.handle (errHandler dir state) $
getDirContents dir >>=
flip foldM (evalFI (f state) dir depth dirSt) (\state name ->
E.handle (errHandler dir state) $
let path = dir </> name
in F.getSymbolicLinkStatus path >>= visit state path depth)
fold :: RecursionPredicate
-> (a -> FindClause a)
-> a
-> FilePath
-> IO a
fold = foldWithHandler warnOnError
where warnOnError path a err =
hPutStrLn stderr (path ++ ": " ++ show err) >> return a
always :: FindClause Bool
always = return True
extension :: FindClause FilePath
extension = takeExtension `liftM` filePath
fileName :: FindClause FilePath
fileName = takeFileName `liftM` filePath
directory :: FindClause FilePath
directory = takeDirectory `liftM` filePath
linkTarget :: FindClause (Maybe FilePath)
linkTarget = do
path <- filePath
st <- fileStatus
return $ if F.isSymbolicLink st
then unsafePerformIO $ E.handle (const (return Nothing))
(Just `liftM` F.readSymbolicLink path)
else Nothing
data FileType = BlockDevice
| CharacterDevice
| NamedPipe
| RegularFile
| Directory
| SymbolicLink
| Socket
| Unknown
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
fileType :: FindClause FileType
fileType = fType `liftM` fileStatus
where fType st | F.isBlockDevice st = BlockDevice
fType st | F.isCharacterDevice st = CharacterDevice
fType st | F.isNamedPipe st = NamedPipe
fType st | F.isRegularFile st = RegularFile
fType st | F.isDirectory st = Directory
fType st | F.isSymbolicLink st = SymbolicLink
fType st | F.isSocket st = Socket
fType _ = Unknown
deviceID :: FindClause T.DeviceID
deviceID = F.deviceID `liftM` fileStatus
fileID :: FindClause T.FileID
fileID = F.fileID `liftM` fileStatus
fileOwner :: FindClause T.UserID
fileOwner = F.fileOwner `liftM` fileStatus
fileGroup :: FindClause T.GroupID
fileGroup = F.fileGroup `liftM` fileStatus
fileSize :: FindClause T.FileOffset
fileSize = F.fileSize `liftM` fileStatus
linkCount :: FindClause T.LinkCount
linkCount = F.linkCount `liftM` fileStatus
specialDeviceID :: FindClause T.DeviceID
specialDeviceID = F.specialDeviceID `liftM` fileStatus
fileMode :: FindClause T.FileMode
fileMode = F.fileMode `liftM` fileStatus
filePerms :: FindClause T.FileMode
filePerms = (.&. 0777) `liftM` fileMode
anyPerms :: T.FileMode
-> FindClause Bool
anyPerms m = filePerms >>= \p -> return (p .&. m /= 0)
accessTime :: FindClause T.EpochTime
accessTime = F.accessTime `liftM` fileStatus
modificationTime :: FindClause T.EpochTime
modificationTime = F.modificationTime `liftM` fileStatus
statusChangeTime :: FindClause T.EpochTime
statusChangeTime = F.statusChangeTime `liftM` fileStatus
liftOp :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> b -> m c
liftOp f a b = a >>= \a' -> return (f a' b)
(~?) :: FindClause FilePath
-> G.GlobPattern
-> FindClause Bool
(~?) = liftOp G.match
infix 4 ~?
(/~?) :: FindClause FilePath
-> G.GlobPattern
-> FindClause Bool
(/~?) = liftOp (\s p -> not (s `G.match` p))
infix 4 /~?
(==?) :: Eq a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(==?) = liftOp (==)
infix 4 ==?
(/=?) :: Eq a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(/=?) = liftOp (/=)
infix 4 /=?
(>?) :: Ord a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(>?) = liftOp (>)
infix 4 >?
(<?) :: Ord a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(<?) = liftOp (<)
infix 4 <?
(.&.?) :: Bits a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause a
(.&.?) = liftOp (.&.)
infixl 7 .&.?
(>=?) :: Ord a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(>=?) = liftOp (>=)
infix 4 >=?
(<=?) :: Ord a => FindClause a
-> a
-> FindClause Bool
(<=?) = liftOp (<=)
infix 4 <=?
(&&?) :: FindClause Bool
-> FindClause Bool
-> FindClause Bool
(&&?) = liftM2 (&&)
infixr 3 &&?
(||?) :: FindClause Bool
-> FindClause Bool
-> FindClause Bool
(||?) = liftM2 (||)
infixr 2 ||?

System/FilePath/Glob.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
module System.FilePath.Glob (
, match
) where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Ix (Ix, inRange)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator)
type GlobPattern = String
spanClass :: Char -> String -> (String, String)
spanClass c = gs []
where gs _ [] = error "unterminated character class"
gs acc (d:ds) | d == c = (reverse acc, ds)
| d == '\\' = case ds of
(e:es) -> gs (e:'\\':acc) es
_ -> error "unterminated escape"
| otherwise = gs (d:acc) ds
type CharRange = (Char, Char)
data Ix a => SRange a = SRange [a] [(a, a)]
deriving (Show)
inSRange :: Ix a => a -> SRange a -> Bool
inSRange c (SRange d s) = c `elem` d || any (flip inRange c) s
type CharClass = SRange Char
makeClass :: String -> CharClass
makeClass = makeClass' [] []
where makeClass' :: [(Char, Char)] -> [Char] -> String -> CharClass
makeClass' dense sparse [] = SRange sparse dense
makeClass' dense sparse (a:'-':b:cs) =
makeClass' ((a,b):dense) sparse cs
makeClass' dense sparse (c:cs) = makeClass' dense (c:sparse) cs
data MatchTerm = MatchLiteral String
| MatchAny
| MatchDir
| MatchChar
| MatchClass Bool CharClass
| MatchGroup [String]
deriving (Show)
parseGlob :: GlobPattern -> [MatchTerm]
parseGlob [] = []
parseGlob ('*':'*':cs) = MatchAny : parseGlob cs
parseGlob ('*':cs) = MatchDir : parseGlob cs
parseGlob ('?':cs) = MatchChar : parseGlob cs
parseGlob ('[':cs) = let (cc, ccs) = spanClass ']' cs
cls = case cc of
('!':ccs) -> MatchClass False $ makeClass ccs
_ -> MatchClass True $ makeClass cc
in cls : parseGlob ccs
parseGlob ('(':cs) = let (gg, ggs) = spanClass ')' cs
in MatchGroup (breakGroup [] gg) : parseGlob ggs
where breakGroup :: String -> String -> [String]
breakGroup acc [] = [reverse acc]
breakGroup _ ['\\'] = error "group: unterminated escape"
breakGroup acc ('\\':c:cs) = breakGroup (c:acc) cs
breakGroup acc ('|':cs) = reverse acc : breakGroup [] cs
breakGroup acc (c:cs) = breakGroup (c:acc) cs
parseGlob ['\\'] = error "glob: unterminated escape"
parseGlob ('\\':c:cs) = MatchLiteral [c] : parseGlob cs
parseGlob (c:cs) = MatchLiteral [c] : parseGlob cs
simplifyTerms :: [MatchTerm] -> [MatchTerm]
simplifyTerms [] = []
simplifyTerms (MatchLiteral []:as) = simplifyTerms as
simplifyTerms (m@(MatchLiteral a):as) =
case simplifyTerms as of
(MatchLiteral b:bs) -> MatchLiteral (a ++ b) : bs
bs -> m : bs
simplifyTerms (MatchClass True (SRange [] []):as) = simplifyTerms as
simplifyTerms (MatchClass True (SRange a@[_] []):as) =
simplifyTerms $ MatchLiteral a : as
simplifyTerms (MatchGroup []:as) = simplifyTerms as
simplifyTerms (MatchGroup gs:as) =
case commonPrefix gs of
(p,[]) -> simplifyTerms (MatchLiteral p : as)
(p,ss) -> simplifyTerms (MatchLiteral p : MatchGroup ss : as)
simplifyTerms (a:as) = a:simplifyTerms as
commonPrefix :: [String] -> (String, [String])
commonPrefix = second nub . pfx ""
where pfx _ [] = ("", [])
pfx acc ss | any null ss = (reverse acc, ss)
| otherwise = let hs = map head ss
h = head hs
in if all (h==) $ tail hs
then pfx (h:acc) $ map tail ss
else (reverse acc, ss)
matchTerms :: [MatchTerm] -> String -> Maybe ()
matchTerms [] [] = return ()
matchTerms [] _ = fail "residual string"
matchTerms (MatchLiteral m:ts) cs = matchLiteral m cs >>= matchTerms ts
where matchLiteral (a:as) (b:bs) | a == b = matchLiteral as bs
matchLiteral [] as = return as
matchLiteral _ _ = fail "not a prefix"
matchTerms (MatchClass k c:ts) cs = matchClass cs >>= matchTerms ts
where matchClass (b:bs) | (inClass && k) || not (inClass || k) = return bs
where inClass = b `inSRange` c
matchClass _ = fail "no match"
matchTerms (MatchGroup g:ts) cs = matchGroup g cs >>= matchTerms ts
where matchGroup g as | any null g = return as
matchGroup g (a:as) | a `elem` map head g =
matchGroup (map tail g) as
matchGroup _ _ = fail "not in group"
matchTerms [MatchAny] _ = return ()
matchTerms (MatchAny:ts) cs = matchAny cs >>= matchTerms ts
where matchAny [] = fail "no match"
matchAny cs = case matchTerms ts cs of
Nothing -> matchAny (tail cs)
_ -> return cs
matchTerms [MatchDir] cs | pathSeparator `elem` cs = fail "path separator"
| otherwise = return ()
matchTerms (MatchDir:ts) cs = matchDir cs >>= matchTerms ts
where matchDir [] = fail "no match"
matchDir (c:_) | c == pathSeparator = fail "path separator"
matchDir cs = case matchTerms ts cs of
Nothing -> matchDir $ tail cs
_ -> return cs
match :: GlobPattern -> FilePath -> Bool
match pat name = let terms = simplifyTerms (parseGlob pat)
in (isJust . matchTerms terms) name