# ibus input method for [bqn] now you can write in any window with the same [map] as the web demo!!! wow ## requirements - ibus (i dont remember how to actually set it up sorry) - ibus-table ## installation - `sudo make install`[^sudo] - `ibus-daemon --daemonize --replace` - add the input method in ibus and have fun ## deficiencies - ibus-table doesn't seem to allow a map for `\␠`, so `‿` is mapped to `\n` instead - it assumes a US base layout so things will be in the wrong place otherwise - the popup is kind of distracting - if you type `\7` it explodes and you have to reselect the layout before it starts working again. literally no idea why [^sudo]: i tried a few places in `~/.local` and stuff but none of them seemed to work. if you know where to put user-local tables hmu [bqn]: https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN [map]: https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/keymap.html