
62 lines
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module Misc where
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, toLower)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-- | exception on 'Left'
unwrap :: Show a => FilePath -> Either a b -> IO b
unwrap file = either (\x -> fail $ file <> ":" <> show x) return
getOptionsWith :: (String -> String) -> ([String] -> Maybe a)
-> [GetOpt.OptDescr (a -> a)] -> IO a
getOptionsWith hdr mkDef descrs = do
res <- GetOpt.getOpt GetOpt.Permute descrs <$> getArgs
case res of
(fs, rest, []) | Just def <- mkDef rest ->
return $ foldl (flip ($)) def fs
_ -> do
prog <- getProgName
putStrLn $ GetOpt.usageInfo (hdr prog) descrs
makeSlug :: Text -> Text
makeSlug = Text.intercalate "-" . filter (not . Text.null) . chunks where
chunks txt =
if Text.null txt then [] else
let (this', that') = Text.span isOK txt
this = toLower this'
that = Text.dropWhile (not . isOK) that' in
this : chunks that
isOK c = (isAlphaNum c && isAscii c) || c == '-'
toTextList :: MetaValue -> Maybe [Text]
toTextList (MetaList vs) = traverse toText vs
toTextList _ = Nothing
toText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
toText (MetaString str) = Just str
toText (MetaInlines is) = foldMap inlineText is
toText (MetaBlocks bs) = foldMap blockText bs
toText _ = Nothing
inlineText :: Inline -> Maybe Text
inlineText (Str txt) = Just txt
inlineText Space = Just " "
inlineText SoftBreak = Just " "
inlineText LineBreak = Just " "
inlineText (RawInline _ txt) = Just txt
inlineText _ = Nothing
blockText :: Block -> Maybe Text
blockText (Plain is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText (Para is) = foldMap inlineText is
--blockText Null = Just ""
blockText (RawBlock _ txt) = Just txt
blockText _ = Nothing