
46 lines
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import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Time
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
m' <- niceDate m
pure $ Pandoc (Meta m') body
niceDate :: Map Text MetaValue -> IO (Map Text MetaValue)
niceDate = Map.alterF reformat "date"
reformat :: Maybe MetaValue -> IO (Maybe MetaValue)
reformat Nothing = pure Nothing
reformat (Just (toText -> Just txt)) = do
-- extra '-'s in %-m and %-d to allow leading zeroes to be skipped
date <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d" $ unpack txt
let str = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A %-e %B %Y" (date :: Day)
pure $ Just $ MetaString $ pack $ map toLower str
reformat (Just d) = fail $ "date is\n" <> show d <> "\nwanted a string"
toText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
toText (MetaString str) = Just str
toText (MetaInlines is) = foldMap inlineText is
toText (MetaBlocks bs) = foldMap blockText bs
toText _ = Nothing
inlineText :: Inline -> Maybe Text
inlineText (Str txt) = Just txt
inlineText Space = Just " "
inlineText SoftBreak = Just " "
inlineText LineBreak = Just " "
inlineText (RawInline _ txt) = Just txt
inlineText _ = Nothing
blockText :: Block -> Maybe Text
blockText (Plain is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText (Para is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText Null = Just ""
blockText (RawBlock _ txt) = Just txt
blockText _ = Nothing