- do all filters in one go - do all post lists in one run of the program - only write files if they are changed (so make repeats less work) - simplify pandoc command for meta pages (this might not actually make a difference)
142 lines
4.4 KiB
142 lines
4.4 KiB
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LazyBS
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Misc
import System.FilePath qualified as Path
import System.FilePath.Find qualified as Find
import YAML ((.:), (.:?), (.!=), (##=))
import YAML qualified
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.FilePath
import Data.Foldable
-- | generates a yaml list for a list of posts; either for a given tag, or all
-- posts. the posts are in chronological order, newest first.
-- example (exact yaml layout not guaranteed; whatever @HsYAML@ feels
-- like doing):
-- @
-- ---
-- title: "posts tagged ‘ATS’"
-- posts:
-- - file: fib.html
-- title: fibonacci in maude and ats
-- date: mon 24 october 2022
-- date-rss: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 00:00:01 UT
-- tags: [computer, maude, ATS]
-- summary: fibonacci numbers in the languages maude and ATS.
-- - file: ats.html
-- title: a little ats program
-- date: fri 16 september 2022
-- date-rss: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:01 UT
-- tags: [computer, ATS, cool languages]
-- summary: >
-- a little program in a little-known, little-documented language
-- called ATS.
-- ...
-- @
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts {..} <- getOptions
files <- Find.findL True (pure True) (Find.extension Find.==? ".md") indir
infos <- traverse (getInfo indir) files
for_ (allTags infos) \tag -> do
let title = "pages tagged ‘" <> tag <> "’"
let basename = "tag-" <> Text.unpack (makeSlug tag) <.> "md"
let tagged = filter (checkTag $ Just tag) infos
makeTagInfo tagged title basename outdir
makeTagInfo infos "all posts" "index.md" outdir
makeTagInfo :: [PostInfo] -> Text -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
makeTagInfo infos title basename outdir = do
let content = makeContent title infos
let filename = outdir </> basename
writeIfDifferentBS filename content
makeContent :: Text -> [PostInfo] -> LazyBS.ByteString
makeContent title is' = "---\n" <> YAML.encode1 val <> "...\n" where
is = sortBy (flip $ comparing date) is'
val = YAML.obj [("title" ##= title), ("posts" ##= is)]
allTags :: Foldable t => t PostInfo -> Set Text
allTags = foldMap (Set.fromList . tags)
-- | whether a post has the given tag
checkTag :: Maybe Text -> PostInfo -> Bool
checkTag Nothing _ = True
checkTag (Just t) i = t `elem` tags i
-- | command line options
data Options =
Opts {
-- | first argument: directory containing the .md files
indir :: !FilePath,
-- | second argument: write output to file
outdir :: !FilePath
getOptions :: IO Options
getOptions = do
prog <- getProgName
args <- getArgs
case args of
[indir, outdir] -> pure $ Opts {..}
_ -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $
"usage: " <> prog <> " INDIR OUTDIR\n\
\ --- collect tags in posts in INDIR into yaml files in OUTDIR"
-- | the front matter info we care about
data PostInfo =
Info {
-- | the (input) file name, relative to 'dir' in options
file :: FilePath,
title :: Text, -- ^ post @title@
date :: IsoDate, -- ^ post @date@
dateStr :: Text, -- ^ post @date@, but as text
tags :: [Text], -- ^ post @tags@
summary :: Maybe Text -- ^ post @summary@ (optional)
-- | @getInfo dir file@: read the front matter of @dir/file@
-- the 'file' field is just the filename, with @dir@ removed
getInfo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO PostInfo
getInfo dir file = do
yaml <- YAML.readHeader file
let dirs = Path.splitPath dir
let file' = Path.joinPath $ drop (length dirs) $ Path.splitPath file
unwrap file $ YAML.parseEither $
yaml & YAML.withMap "title, date, tags, summary?" \m ->
Info <$> pure file'
<*> m .: "title"
<*> m .: "date"
<*> m .: "date"
<*> m .: "tags" .!= []
<*> m .:? "summary"
instance YAML.ToYAML PostInfo where
toYAML (Info {..}) = YAML.obj
["date" ##= showDate date,
"date-rss" ##= rssDate date,
"date-iso" ##= dateStr,
"title" ##= title,
"tags" ##= tags,
"file" ##= htmlFile file,
"summary" ##= summary]
-- | replace @.md@ (or whatever) extension with @.html@
htmlFile :: FilePath -> Text
htmlFile f = Text.pack $ Path.replaceExtension f "html"