
109 lines
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Raw Blame History

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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBS
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Misc
import qualified System.FilePath.Find as Find
import YAML ((##=), (.!=), (.:))
import qualified YAML
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts {dir, yaml, make} <- getOptions
files <- Find.findL True (pure True) (Find.extension Find.==? ".md") dir
tags <- traverse getTags files
LazyBS.writeFile yaml $ makeYAML tags
Text.writeFile make $ makeMake tags
getTags :: FilePath -> IO (Set Text)
getTags file = do
yaml <- YAML.readHeader file
list <- unwrap file $ YAML.parseEither $
yaml & YAML.withMap "yaml header" \m -> m .: "tags" .!= []
pure $ Set.fromList list
makeYAML :: [Set Text] -> LazyBS.ByteString
makeYAML tags = "---\n" <> yaml <> "\n...\n" where
yaml = YAML.encode1 $ YAML.obj
[("title" ##= YAML.str "all tags"),
("tags" ##= collate tags)]
makeMake :: [Set Text] -> Text
makeMake tags' = Text.unlines $ build : allPosts : map makeRule tags where
build = Text.unwords $
"build:" : ["$(BUILDDIR)/" <> t <> ".html" |
t <- ["all-tags", "index"] <> map slug' tags]
makeRule' opt title file =
"$(TMPDIR)/" <> file <> ".md : $(POSTS) $(POST_LISTS)\n\
\\t@echo \"[post-lists] $<\"\n\
\\t$(POST_LISTS) " <> opt <> " --out $@ \\\n\
\\t $(POSTSDIR) \"" <> title <> "\""
allPosts = makeRule' "" "all posts" "index"
makeRule t =
makeRule' ("--tag \"" <> name t <> "\"")
("posts tagged " <> name t <> "")
(slug' t)
slug' (Tag {slug}) = "tag-" <> slug
tags = collate tags'
data Tag =
Tag {
name :: !Text,
slug :: !Text,
count :: !Int
deriving Show
instance YAML.ToYAML Tag where
toYAML (Tag {name, slug, count}) = YAML.obj $
[("name" ##= name), ("slug" ##= slug), ("count" ##= count)]
collate :: [Set Text] -> [Tag]
collate tags =
toList $ fst $ foldl' add1 (mempty, mempty) $ foldMap toList tags
add1 (tags, slugs) name
| Map.member name tags =
(Map.adjust incrCount name tags, slugs)
| otherwise =
let tag = makeTag slugs name in
(Map.insert name tag tags,
Set.insert (slug tag) slugs)
makeTag slugs name =
Tag {name, slug = makeSlug slugs name, count = 1}
makeSlug slugs name = head $ filter (`notElem` slugs) candidates where
slug = toSlugChar name
toSlugChar c
| isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c == '-' = toLower c
| otherwise = '_'
candidates = slug : [slug <> Text.pack (show i) | i <- [(0 :: Int) ..]]
incrCount t@(Tag {count}) = t {count = succ count}
data Options =
Opts {
dir :: !FilePath,
yaml :: !FilePath,
make :: !FilePath
getOptions :: IO Options
getOptions = do
args <- getArgs
prog <- getProgName
case args of
[dir, yaml, make] -> pure $ Opts {dir, yaml, make}
_ -> fail $
"usage: " <> prog <> " DIR YAML MAKE ---\n\
\ get all tags from posts in DIR and put the results in the given files"