--- title: fibonacci in maude and ats date: 2022-10-24 tags: [computer, maude, ATS] summary: | fibonacci numbers in the languages maude and ATS. ... i might submit these [here], if i can be bothered to get a new github account. [here]: https://braxtonhall.ca/fib/ :::aside update: i did it ::: # maude ```maude smod FIB is pr LIST{Nat} . vars M N : Nat . var Ns : List{Nat} . rl [start]: nil => 0 1 . rl [next]: Ns M N => Ns M N (M + N) . rl [drop]: Ns N => N . strats fib fibgo : Nat @ List{Nat} . sd fib(N) := start ; fibgo(N) . sd fibgo(0) := top(drop) . sd fibgo(s(N)) := top(next) ; fibgo(N) . endsm ``` ``` Maude> srew nil using fib(10) . srewrite in FIB : nil using fib(10) . Solution 1 rewrites: 8330 in 12ms cpu (12ms real) (694166 rewrites/second) result NzNat: 89 No more solutions. rewrites: 8469 in 12ms cpu (13ms real) (705750 rewrites/second) ``` # ats ```ats #include "share/atspre_define.hats" #include "share/atspre_staload.hats" // is_fib(i, n): n is the i-th fibonacci number dataprop is_fib(int, int) = | F0(0, 0) | F1(1, 1) | {i, m, n : nat} Fplus(i + 2, m + n) of (is_fib(i, m), is_fib(i + 1, n)) typedef fib(i : int) = [n : nat] (is_fib(i, n) | int(n)) fun fib {t : nat} .<>. (t : int(t)) :<> fib(t) = let // m, n : accs // i : index of m // t : target index fun go {m, n, i, t : nat | i <= t} .<t - i>. (M : is_fib(i, m), N : is_fib(i + 1, n) | m : int(m), n : int(n), i : int(i), t : int(t)) :<> fib(t) = if i = t then (M | m) else go(N, Fplus(M, N) | n, m + n, i + 1, t) in go(F0, F1 | 0, 1, 0, t) end fun fib_(i : Nat) : Nat = let val (_ | res) = fib(i) in res end implement main0() = println!("fib(15) = ", fib_(15)) ``` ```sh $ make fib $ ./fib fib(15) = 610 ``` same makefile as [last time]. [last time]: ./2022-09-16-ats.html#install