--- date: 2024-09-15 title: hi chosties. and everyone else reading tags: [misc] summary: | cohost is closing so we are all scrambling to get our personal sites working. ... hi everyone. niss here. sorry about the web site. i'm gonna miss it too. :'( here's my blog. i got [rss] working. it was actually pretty easy using a pandoc template. you can see the stuff [here] if you are actually interested, but i don't think anyone is doing it like me (you probably shouldn't). [rss]: /rss.xml [here]: https://git.rhiannon.website/rhi/blog/commit/9284365c72fa4a23ce0605f3a1df5e92dab08551 i would like to say i'll try to post more and not wait until i have a Big Thing to say, but we'll see won't we. i dunno what, if anything, i'm gonna do about comments. for now email me or whatever if you have something to say. ok bye. love u