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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
rhiannon morris 0ec38537f4 adjust syntax highlighting 2022-09-17 20:57:32 +02:00
rhiannon morris 1e7423fffe add ats post 2022-09-17 20:57:25 +02:00
rhiannon morris 8d401ab404 """finish""" old beluga post 2022-09-17 20:56:52 +02:00
rhiannon morris be46a2fc5c fix tags with spaces
add a filter that replaces tags e.g.
"tag name" → {name: "tag name", slug: "tag_name"}
2022-09-17 20:54:16 +02:00
14 changed files with 817 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ LAANTAS_SCRIPT = $(TMPDIR)/laantas-script
ALL_TAGS = $(TMPDIR)/all-tags
POST_LISTS = $(TMPDIR)/post-lists
NICE_DATE = $(TMPDIR)/nice-date
SLUG_TAGS = $(TMPDIR)/slug-tags
@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ define pandoc
pandoc -s --toc --template $(TEMPLATEDIR)/$(1).html -o $@ $< \
-f markdown+emoji \
--filter $(LANGFILTER) --filter $(NICE_DATE) --mathjax
--filter $(LANGFILTER) --filter $(NICE_DATE) --filter $(SLUG_TAGS) \
@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ $(LAANTAS_SCRIPT): lang/laantas-script/* ; $(call cabal-exe)
$(ALL_TAGS): $(BLOG_META_DEPS) ; $(call cabal-exe,blog-meta:)
$(POST_LISTS): $(BLOG_META_DEPS) ; $(call cabal-exe,blog-meta:)
$(NICE_DATE): $(BLOG_META_DEPS) ; $(call cabal-exe,blog-meta:)
$(SLUG_TAGS): $(BLOG_META_DEPS) ; $(call cabal-exe,blog-meta:)
define cabal-exe
@echo "[build] $(notdir $@)"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import qualified YAML
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char
main :: IO ()
@ -36,8 +35,8 @@ getTags file = do
makeYAML :: [Set Text] -> LazyBS.ByteString
makeYAML tags = "---\n" <> yaml <> "\n...\n" where
yaml = YAML.encode1 $ YAML.obj
[("title" ##= YAML.str "all tags"),
("tags" ##= collate tags)]
[("title" ##= YAML.str "all tags"),
("all-tags" ##= collate tags)]
makeMake :: [Set Text] -> Text
makeMake tags' = Text.unlines $ build : allPosts : map makeRule tags where
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ makeMake tags' = Text.unlines $ build : allPosts : map makeRule tags where
t <- ["all-tags", "index"] <> map slug' tags]
makeRule' opt title file =
"$(TMPDIR)/" <> file <> ".md : $(POSTS) $(POST_LISTS)\n\
\\t@echo \"[post-lists] $<\"\n\
\\t@echo \"[post-lists] " <> file <> "\"\n\
\\t$(POST_LISTS) " <> opt <> " --out $@ \\\n\
\\t $(POSTSDIR) \"" <> title <> "\""
allPosts = makeRule' "" "all posts" "index"
@ -70,25 +69,19 @@ instance YAML.ToYAML Tag where
[("name" ##= name), ("slug" ##= slug), ("count" ##= count)]
collate :: [Set Text] -> [Tag]
collate tags =
toList $ fst $ foldl' add1 (mempty, mempty) $ foldMap toList tags
collate =
toList . foldl' add1 mempty . foldMap toList
add1 (tags, slugs) name
| Map.member name tags =
(Map.adjust incrCount name tags, slugs)
| otherwise =
let tag = makeTag slugs name in
(Map.insert name tag tags,
Set.insert (slug tag) slugs)
makeTag slugs name =
Tag {name, slug = makeSlug slugs name, count = 1}
makeSlug slugs name = head $ filter (`notElem` slugs) candidates where
slug = toSlugChar name
toSlugChar c
| isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c == '-' = toLower c
| otherwise = '_'
candidates = slug : [slug <> Text.pack (show i) | i <- [(0 :: Int) ..]]
incrCount t@(Tag {count}) = t {count = succ count}
add1 tags name = Map.alter (add1' tag) (slug tag) tags
where tag = makeTag name
add1' new Nothing = Just new
add1' new (Just old)
| name new == name old = Just (old {count = succ (count old)})
| otherwise = error $ "slug collision between " <> show (name old) <>
" and " <> show (name new)
makeTag name = Tag {name, slug = makeSlug name, count = 1}
data Options =
Opts {

View File

@ -50,3 +50,8 @@ executable nice-date
import: deps, exe
hs-source-dirs: .
main-is: nice-date.hs
executable slug-tags
import: deps, exe
hs-source-dirs: .
main-is: slug-tags.hs

View File

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ module Misc where
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, toLower)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-- | exception on 'Left'
unwrap :: Show a => FilePath -> Either a b -> IO b
@ -20,3 +24,34 @@ getOptionsWith hdr mkDef descrs = do
putStrLn $ GetOpt.usageInfo (hdr prog) descrs
makeSlug :: Text -> Text
makeSlug name = toSlugChar name where
toSlugChar c
| isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c == '-' = toLower c
| otherwise = '_'
toTextList :: MetaValue -> Maybe [Text]
toTextList (MetaList vs) = traverse toText vs
toTextList _ = Nothing
toText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
toText (MetaString str) = Just str
toText (MetaInlines is) = foldMap inlineText is
toText (MetaBlocks bs) = foldMap blockText bs
toText _ = Nothing
inlineText :: Inline -> Maybe Text
inlineText (Str txt) = Just txt
inlineText Space = Just " "
inlineText SoftBreak = Just " "
inlineText LineBreak = Just " "
inlineText (RawInline _ txt) = Just txt
inlineText _ = Nothing
blockText :: Block -> Maybe Text
blockText (Plain is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText (Para is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText Null = Just ""
blockText (RawBlock _ txt) = Just txt
blockText _ = Nothing

View File

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Time
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Misc
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
m' <- niceDate m
m' <- Map.alterF reformat "date" m
pure $ Pandoc (Meta m') body
niceDate :: Map Text MetaValue -> IO (Map Text MetaValue)
niceDate = Map.alterF reformat "date"
reformat :: Maybe MetaValue -> IO (Maybe MetaValue)
reformat Nothing = pure Nothing
reformat (Just (toText -> Just txt)) = do
@ -22,24 +19,3 @@ reformat (Just (toText -> Just txt)) = do
let str = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A %-e %B %Y" (date :: Day)
pure $ Just $ MetaString $ pack $ map toLower str
reformat (Just d) = fail $ "date is\n" <> show d <> "\nwanted a string"
toText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
toText (MetaString str) = Just str
toText (MetaInlines is) = foldMap inlineText is
toText (MetaBlocks bs) = foldMap blockText bs
toText _ = Nothing
inlineText :: Inline -> Maybe Text
inlineText (Str txt) = Just txt
inlineText Space = Just " "
inlineText SoftBreak = Just " "
inlineText LineBreak = Just " "
inlineText (RawInline _ txt) = Just txt
inlineText _ = Nothing
blockText :: Block -> Maybe Text
blockText (Plain is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText (Para is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText Null = Just ""
blockText (RawBlock _ txt) = Just txt
blockText _ = Nothing

blog-meta/slug-tags.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.Text (Text)
import Misc
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
m' <- Map.alterF addSlugs "tags" m
pure $ Pandoc (Meta m') body
addSlugs :: Maybe MetaValue -> IO (Maybe MetaValue)
addSlugs Nothing = pure Nothing
addSlugs (Just (toTextList -> Just tags)) =
pure $ Just $ MetaList $ map addSlug1 tags
addSlugs (Just t) = fail $
"'tags' is\n" <> show t <> "\nwanted a list of strings"
addSlug1 :: Text -> MetaValue
addSlug1 tag = MetaMap $ Map.fromList
[("name", MetaString tag), ("slug", MetaString $ makeSlug tag)]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: digitle in maude
date: 2022-03-14
tags: [maude, computer]
tags: [maude, computer, cool languages]
so you know [digitle] right. it's the countdown numbers round.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
date: 2022-07-12
title: a few undocumented beluga features
tags: [computer, beluga, cool languages]
toc: true
several of these are in the [examples], just not in the documentation. but some
of them i did find while looking through the parser.
## unicode
you can call your context variables `Γ` and it works just fine.
you can also use `→` and `⇒` and `⊢` if they are legible in the font you're
## block values in substitutions
a lot of the time you have a variable typed like
`\[Γ, b : block (x : term, t : oft x A[..]) ⊢ ty]`,
but you actually need a
`\[Γ, x : term, t : oft x A[..] ⊢ ty]`,
with the block flattened out. or vice versa.
or you want to substitute the block more conveniently.
for this purpose, there is actually a block literal syntax `<a; b; c>` usable
in substitutions:
let [Γ, b : block (x : term, t : oft x A[..]) ⊢ X] = blah in
[Γ, x : term, t : oft x A[..] ⊢ X[.., <x; t>]]
% but equivalent to this, but clearer (imo)
let [Γ, block (x : term, t : oft x A[..]) ⊢ X[.., b.x, b.t]] = blah in
[Γ, x : term, t : oft x A[..] ⊢ X]
## explicit binders before patterns
sometimes in a case expression, the type of the pattern variables is too hard
for beluga to work out on its own. in this case you get an error message about
a stuck unification problem.
most of the time you can get out of this by writing the types of some variables
explicitly. the syntax is like a forall-type:
case [Γ ⊢ #p] of
| {#p : [Γ ⊢ term]}
[Γ, y : term ⊢ #p[..]] ⇒ ?body
## mutual recursion
of course this exists. but it's not mentioned anywhere in the documentation for
some reason. the syntax is this:
LF term : type = …
and elim : type = …;
rec eval-term : (Γ : ctx) [Γ ⊢ term] → [Γ ⊢ value] = …
and rec eval-elim : (Γ : ctx) [Γ ⊢ elim] → [Γ ⊢ value] = …;
inductive ReduceTerm : (Γ : ctx) [Γ ⊢ term] → ctype = …
and inductive ReduceElim : (Γ : ctx) [Γ ⊢ elim] → ctype = …;
two `rec`s! which is because you can mix `rec`/`proof`, or
`inductive`/`coinductive`/`stratified`, within a block.

posts/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
title: a little ats program
date: 2022-09-16
tags: [computer, ATS, cool languages]
show-toc: true
[ats] is a language that is a little infamous among type system likers, for its
complexity, its weird syntax, and its thin documentation. well i won't be beat,
so here's a little implementation of simply-typed lambda calculus. right now it
doesn't actually use many ats-specific features, since i just didn't end up
needing them.
it does leak memory without gc though, so maybe i should have.
oh well one thing at a time
# installation, et cetera
instead of trying to install ats myself, i just used [nix], since i already
have it installed as the least annoying package manager for idris. i just run
`nix shell nixpkgs#ats2` and i'm in a shell with `patscc` and `patsopt`
available. if you want to try building it yourself, that's, uh, your choice.
to compile the program, i wrote a makefile. just a small one!
ATSCC := patscc
-atsccomp \
'gcc -I$${PATSHOME} -I$${PATSHOME}/ccomp/runtime \
-L$${PATSHOME}/ccomp/atslib/lib -std=gnu99'
%: %.dats
$(ATSCC) $< $(ATSFLAGS) -o $@
(in some installs the compiler is just called `atscc` for some reason.)
the first line of `ATSFLAGS` tells it which allocator to use. in this case,
`libgc`. the rest tells it to use `-std=gnu99`, so that it can find `alloca()`;
the rest is the same as the default.
one last thing. the first two lines of the program have to be this. i didn't
look into it too hard but they seem to define... something... and if you forget
to include them the c output by ats isn't even syntactically correct. ouch.
#include "share/atspre_define.hats"
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
# types
let's start by defining the syntax for types. it's going to be a single base
type, and functions.
\Typ ::= \bullet \OR \Typ_1 \to \Typ_2
so obviously, my first attempt was to just write this:
datatype typ = Base | Arr of (typ, typ)
i'm going to need to check two types for equality, so let's do that next.
fun eq_typ (a : typ, b : typ) .<a>. :<> bool =
case (a, b) of
| (Base(), Base()) => true
| (Arr(a1, a2), Arr(b1, b2)) => eq_typ(a1, b1) && eq_typ(a2, b2)
| (_, _) => false
alas: (it is talking about the `.<a>.`)
/home/niss/ats/lam.dats: 149(line=7, offs=33) -- 150(line=7, offs=34):
error(2): the static identifier [a] is unrecognized.
surprise! as far as i can tell ats only allows termination checking to be
based on _static_ (compile time) information. so i need to index the
datatype with, uh, something. when we define functions on syntax like this,
they basically always recurse on a subterm. so the height of the syntax tree
will do. what i _actually_ have are these more messy definitions.
datatype typ(int) =
| Base(1)
| {h1, h2 : nat} Arr(1 + max(h1, h2)) of (typ(h1), typ(h2))
typedef typ = [h : nat] typ(h)
the base type $\bullet$ has height 1, and an arrow type has a height one more
than the max height of its subterms. `nat` is a version of `int` constrained to
be at least zero, rather than a separate type, so that's why it says `int` one
place and `nat` the other. the typechecker has a linear arithmetic solver for
reasoning about inequalities and expressions like `1 + max(h1, h2)`.
i don't want to be talking about "types of height $h$" unless i really have to,
though, so there's a definition for just _a_ type too. the syntax `[x : t1] t2`
is an existential type that is automatically wrapped and unwrapped, so in this
case it is a `typ(h)` for some, unknown, `h`. also, names can be overloaded by
their arity so `typ(h)` and `typ` can both be defined in the same scope.
so now `eq_typ` has to have a more intricate type to talk about height. the
definition is still the same though.
fun eq_typ {ha : nat} .<ha>. (a : typ(ha), b : typ) :<> bool =
case (a, b) of
| (Base(), Base()) => true
| (Arr(a1, a2), Arr(b1, b2)) => eq_typ(a1, b1) && eq_typ(a2, b2)
| (_, _) => false
overload = with eq_typ
since i only actually need to care about one of the arguments' height for the
termination proof, the other can still just be a `typ`. the last line lets me
write `a = b` instead of `eq_typ(a, b)`, which is nice.
next, i want to be able to print types. ideally this would be a function that
returns a string, but string stuff involves pointer weirdness i haven't worked
out yet. so it just prints. the only two precedence levels in these types are
"left of an arrow" and "not left of an arrow", so that can just be a `bool`.
unfortunately `print` has no information about its termination behaviour so
there's no point bothering with that stuff here either. :confused:
fun print_typ (parens : bool, t : typ) : void =
case t of
| Base() => print "•"
| Arr(a, b) => begin
if parens then print("(");
print_typ(true, a);
print(" → ");
print_typ(false, b);
if parens then print(")");
fn print_typ (t : typ) : void = print_typ(false, t)
overload print with print_typ
# terms
types are done, now let's move on to terms. we just want names, lambdas, and
\Term ::= \Var \OR \lambda \Var : \Typ. \Term \OR \Term_1 \; \Term_2
for the same reason as before, terms are indexed by their height, but _also_ by
the number of variables in scope, since i want de bruijn indices to be
intrinsically well-scoped. why even have a type system otherwise. so a
`term(n, h)` has $n$ variables and height $h$.
datatype term(int, int) =
| {n, i : nat | i < n} Var(n, 1) of int(i)
| {n, h : nat} Lam(n, 1 + h) of (typ, term(1 + n, h))
| {n, h1, h2 : nat} App(n, 1 + max(h1, h2)) of (term(n, h1), term(n, h2))
typedef term(n : int) = [h : nat] term(n, h)
a variable is [a de bruijn index][db], which is a natural less than `n`. to
express this we need to bridge the static world, where `n` lives, and the
dynamic, where `Var`'s field lives. to do this i use a singleton type
`int(i)`, whose only value is `i` itself. with this type, you can constraint the
static `i`, and in turn the value of the field.
# contexts
typedef ctx(n: int) = list(typ, n)
a typing context is just a list of types of the appropriate length. since
there's no binding in types here, that's all we need.
looking up into a context is just list lookup, with some constraints to make it
fun lookup {n, i : nat | i < n} .<n>. (g : ctx(n), i : nat(i)) :<> typ =
let val+ list_cons(x, g) = g in
if i = 0 then x else lookup(g, i - 1)
from the constraints $n \ge 0, i \ge 0, i < n$, the compiler can see that, as
$n \ge 1$, the list is nonempty and `list_cons` _is_ the only case. it can also
propagate the $i \ne 0$ condition from the `else` to see the recursive call is
ok too, and this function is total.
while writing this post i discovered that this is actually a restatement of
the type of `xs[i]` in the standard library and i could have just used that.
# typechecker
i'm going to write the type checker using exceptions for error handling, because
using an error monad without `do` notation was just too annoying. but from the
outside it is still going to use a `result` type.
datatype result(t@ype, t@ype) =
| {a, e : t@ype} Ok(a, e) of a
| {a, e : t@ype} Err(a, e) of e
the funky looking `t@ype` refers to a type of unknown size, as opposed to `type`
which can only be instantiated with pointer-sized types. that will not come up
again here but "`t@ype`" is definitely the funniest part of ats's syntax.
the errors we need here are:
- a function takes an argument of type $A$, but is given one of type $B$;
- a term of a non-arrow type is being applied.
datatype err =
| Clash of (typ, typ)
| NotArr of typ
fn print_err (e : err) : void = … // incredibly uninteresting
overload print with print_err
typedef typ_res = result(typ, err)
fn print_res (r : typ_res) : void = …
overload print with print_res
so onto the typechecker. like i said, it's going to use a local exception for
errors, but then catch it on the outside so that it has a pure type.
fn typ_of {n : nat} (g : ctx n, t : term(n)) :<> typ_res =
exception ERR of err
fun go {n, h : nat} .<h>. (g : ctx(n), t : term(n, h)) :<!exn> typ =
case t of
| Var(i) => lookup(g, i)
| Lam(a, t) => Arr(a, go(list_cons(a, g), t))
| App(s, t) => begin
case go(g, s) of
| Arr(a1, b) =>
let val a2 = go(g, t) in
if a1 = a2 then b else $raise ERR(Clash(a1, a2))
| b => $raise ERR(NotArr(b))
$effmask_exn(try Ok(go(g, t)) with ~ERR(e) => Err(e))
fn typ_of (t : term(0)) :<> typ_res = typ_of(list_nil, t)
most of this is fine. a bit noisy i guess. but there are a couple of new things:
- in the type of `go`, the `:<!exn>` part means it can throw exceptions, but has
no other effects.
- `$effmask_exn(e)` hides the `exn` effect in `e`, because ats doesn't
distinguish different exceptions in effects so it can't tell that `ERR` is the
only one that is ever raised.
- exceptions are linear, and the pattern `~ERR(e)` is consuming the outermost
- exceptions are the only reason we needed `alloca` in this program
# the end
ok, a quick `main` function, and that's it!
implement main0() = begin
print("type of [λx:•. x] is: ");
print(typ_of(Lam(Base, Var(0))));
print("\ntype of [λx:•. x x] is: ");
print(typ_of(Lam(Base, App(Var(0), Var(0)))));
and it works, at least on these two examples.
type of [λx:•. x] is: • → •
type of [λx:•. x x] is: expected an arrow type, but got [•]
uh. thank's for reading. maybe i'll write another one if i think of another
nice little program that actually uses more of ats's weirdness.
<summary>full code</summary>
#include "share/atspre_define.hats"
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
datatype typ(int) =
| Base(1)
| {h1, h2 : nat} Arr(1 + max(h1, h2)) of (typ(h1), typ(h2))
typedef typ = [h : nat] typ(h)
fun eq_typ {ha : nat} .<ha>. (a : typ(ha), b : typ) :<> bool =
case (a, b) of
| (Base(), Base()) => true
| (Arr(a1, a2), Arr(b1, b2)) => eq_typ(a1, b1) && eq_typ(a2, b2)
| (_, _) => false
overload = with eq_typ
fun print_typ (parens : bool, t : typ) : void =
case t of
| Base() => print "•"
| Arr(a, b) => begin
if parens then print("(");
print_typ(true, a);
print(" → ");
print_typ(false, b);
if parens then print(")");
fn print_typ (t : typ) : void = print_typ(false, t)
overload print with print_typ
datatype term(int, int) =
| {n, i : nat | i < n} Var(n, 1) of int(i)
| {n, h : nat} Lam(n, 1 + h) of (typ, term(1 + n, h))
| {n, h1, h2 : nat} App(n, 1 + max(h1, h2)) of (term(n, h1), term(n, h2))
typedef term(n : int) = [h : nat] term(n, h)
typedef ctx(n: int) = list(typ, n)
fun lookup {n, i : nat | i < n} .<n>. (g : ctx(n), i : int(i)) :<> typ =
let val+ list_cons(x, g) = g in
if i = 0 then x else lookup(g, i - 1)
datatype result(t@ype, t@ype) =
| {a, e : t@ype} Ok(a, e) of a
| {a, e : t@ype} Err(a, e) of e
datatype err =
| Clash of (typ, typ)
| NotArr of typ
fn print_err (e : err) : void =
case e of
| Clash(a, b) => begin
print("clash between types [");
print("] and [");
| NotArr(t) => begin
print("expected an arrow type, but got [");
overload print with print_err
typedef typ_res = result(typ, err)
fn print_res (r : typ_res) : void =
case r of Ok(t) => print(t) | Err(e) => print(e)
overload print with print_res
fn typ_of {n : nat} (g : ctx n, t : term(n)) :<> typ_res =
exception ERR of err
fun go {n, h : nat} .<h>. (g : ctx(n), t : term(n, h)) :<!exn> typ =
case t of
| Var(i) => lookup(g, i)
| Lam(a, t) => Arr(a, go(list_cons(a, g), t))
| App(s, t) => begin
case go(g, s) of
| Arr(a1, b) =>
let val a2 = go(g, t) in
if a1 = a2 then b else $raise ERR(Clash(a1, a2))
| b => $raise ERR(NotArr(b))
$effmask_exn(try Ok(go(g, t)) with ~ERR(e) => Err(e))
fn typ_of (t : term(0)) :<> typ_res = typ_of(list_nil, t)
implement main0() = begin
print("type of [λx:•. x] is: ");
print(typ_of(Lam(Base, Var(0))));
print("\ntype of [λx:•. x x] is: ");
print(typ_of(Lam(Base, App(Var(0), Var(0)))));

View File

@ -394,14 +394,15 @@ aside {
.kw { color: hsl(300deg, 60%, 30%); }
.pp { color: hsl(343deg, 100%, 40%); font-weight: 500; }
.dt { color: hsl(173deg, 100%, 24%); font-weight: 500; }
.fu { color: hsl(34deg, 100%, 30%); font-weight: 500; }
.va { color: hsl(203deg, 100%, 30%); font-weight: 500; }
.cf { color: hsl(276deg, 75%, 35%); font-weight: 500; }
.pp { color: hsl(343deg, 100%, 40%); /* font-weight: 500; */ }
.dt { color: hsl(173deg, 100%, 24%); /* font-weight: 500; */ }
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syntax/ats.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
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<!ENTITY LETTER "A-Za-z\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff">
<!ENTITY IDENT "[&LETTER;_@$][&LETTER;0-9_@$']*">
<!ENTITY ESC "(\\[ntbr'&quot;\\]|\\[0-9]{3}|\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})">
<!ENTITY DEC "([0-9][0-9_]*)">
<!ENTITY DECEXP "([eE][+-]?&DEC;)">
<!ENTITY HEX "([0-9a-fA-F]+)">
<language name="ATS" section="Sources" extensions="*.sats;*.dats;*.hats"
version="1" kateversion="5.53">
<list name="decl">
<item>abstype</item> <item>abst@ype</item> <item>absprop</item>
<item>absview</item> <item>absvtype</item> <item>absvt@ype</item>
<item>absviewtype</item> <item>absviewt@ype</item>
<item>datatype</item> <item>dataprop</item> <item>dataview</item>
<item>dataviewtype</item> <item>datavtype</item> <item>datasort</item>
<item>typedef</item> <item>propdef</item> <item>viewdef</item>
<item>vtypedef</item> <item>viewtypedef</item> <item>sortdef</item>
<item>tkindef</item> <item>classdec</item>
<item>macdef</item> <item>macrodef</item>
<item>withtype</item> <item>withprop</item> <item>withview</item>
<item>withvtype</item> <item>withviewtype</item>
<item>val</item> <item>fun</item> <item>fn</item> <item>fnx</item>
<item>prfun</item> <item>prfn</item> <item>praxi</item>
<item>var</item> <item>prvar</item>
<item>infix</item> <item>infixl</item> <item>infixr</item>
<item>prefix</item> <item>postfix</item> <item>nonfix</item>
<item>symintr</item> <item>symelim</item>
<item>sta</item> <item>stacst</item>
<item>stadef</item> <item>static</item>
<list name="meta">
<item>extern</item> <item>extype</item> <item>extvar</item>
<item>$extern</item> <item>$extype</item> <item>$extkind</item>
<item>$myfilename</item> <item>$mylocation</item> <item>$myfunction</item>
<item>import</item> <item>staload</item> <item>dynload</item>
<list name="preproc">
<item>#include</item> <item>#staload</item> <item>#dynload</item>
<item>#if</item> <item>#ifdef</item> <item>#ifndef</item>
<item>#elif</item> <item>#elifdef</item> <item>#elifndef</item>
<item>#else</item> <item>#endif</item>
<item>#error</item> <item>#prerr</item> <item>#print</item>
<item>#define</item> <item>#undef</item>
<item>#pragma</item> <item>#codegen2</item> <item>#codegen3</item>
<list name="impl">
<item>assume</item> <item>reassume</item>
<item>implmnt</item> <item>implement</item>
<item>primplmnt</item> <item>primplement</item>
<list name="expr">
<item>begin</item> <item>end</item>
<item>op</item> <item>as</item>
<item>case</item> <item>prcase</item> <item>of</item> <item>when</item>
<item>let</item> <item>local</item> <item>in</item> <item>rec</item>
<item>if</item> <item>then</item> <item>else</item>
<item>ifcase</item> <item>sif</item>
<item>for</item> <item>do</item>
<item>$break</item> <item>$continue</item>
<item>lam</item> <item>llam</item> <item>lam@</item>
<item>fix</item> <item>fix@</item>
<item>try</item> <item>with</item> <item>$raise</item>
<item>$delay</item> <item>$ldelay</item>
<item>$arrpsz</item> <item>$arrptrsize</item>
<item>$tyrep</item> <item>$d2ctype</item>
<item>$effmask_ntm</item> <item>$effmask_exn</item>
<item>$effmask_ref</item> <item>$effmask_wrt</item>
<item>$lst</item> <item>$lst_t</item> <item>$lst_vt</item>
<item>$list</item> <item>$list_t</item> <item>$list_vt</item>
<item>$rec</item> <item>$rec_t</item> <item>$rec_vt</item>
<item>$record</item> <item>$record_t</item> <item>$record_vt</item>
<item>$tup</item> <item>$tup_t</item> <item>$tup_vt</item>
<item>$tuple</item> <item>$tuple_t</item> <item>$tuple_vt</item>
<list name="prim">
<item>type</item> <item>t@ype</item>
<item>view</item> <item>prop</item>
<item>viewtype</item> <item>viewt@ype</item>
<item>vtype</item> <item>vt@ype</item>
<list name="const">
<item>bool</item> <item>true</item> <item>false</item>
<item>int</item> <item>nat</item>
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char="/" char1="/" />
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char="/" char1="*" />
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char="(" char1="*" />
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String="[-=&lt;>:]|=/?=>>?|\.&lt;|>\." />
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char="(" char1="*" />
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char="*" char1=")" />
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View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ $endif$

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $head()$
<li><a href=/tag-$it$.html>$it$</a>
<li><a href=/tag-$it.slug$.html>$$</a>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<ul class=tag-list>
<a href=tag-$it.slug$.html>$$</a>
<span class=count>($it.count$)</span>