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2023-12-28 01:00:25 +01:00
title: quox. the language
date: 2023-10-25
tags: [quox, computer, types]
bibliography: quox.bib
link-citations: true
show-toc: true
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### [hot minute][wkt]&ensp;*n.* {.unnumbered}
1. A long period of time.
2. A short period of time.
3. An unspecified period of time.
for the last _hot minute_ [@hotminute], ive been working on a little programming language. its finally starting to approach a state where it can compile some programs, so maybe i should talk about it a bit.
# what is a quox [(tl;dr for type system nerds)]{.note}
<figure class=floating>
<img src=../images/quox.png class='shadow pixel'
alt='a dragon from an old arcade game'
title='use my warps to skip some floors!'>
<figcaption>this is also a quox.</figcaption>
0. its a *dependently typed functional language*, like your agdas and your idrises.
1. *[q]{.qtt-q}uantitative type theory* (qtt) [@nuttin; @qtt] is a nice combination of dependent types, resource tracking, and erasure of stuff like proofs.
2. it uses *[x]{.xtt-x}tt* [@xtt] for equality. i think it's neat
3. it has a *closed type universe*. you dont define new datatypes, but the language gives you building blocks to put them together. this is because of xtt originally, but i just ran with it.
so now you can see where the name [q]{.qtt-q}uo[x]{.xtt-x} comes from. other than my favourite dragon. anyway it also has
4. *bidirectional type checking* [@bidi]
5. crude-but-effective stratification [@crude; @crude-blog] for dealing with universes
# dependent types
<figure class=floating>
<div><img src=../images/panqt.png srcset='../images/panqt.png 2x'
width=202 height=200
alt='one of my fursonas is a quox with three heads'
title='i hear putting pictures of your fursona on your blog is a good way to get hacker news types Big Mad'></div>
sometimes i am also a quox. or three, depending on how you count.
there are lots of languages with dependent types already. if you are reading this, chances are probably _quite_ high you already know what they are and can skip to the next section.
`*but still something. probably*`
# qtt
sometimes, values can only be used in certain ways to make sense. this isn't controversial: it's the old use-after-free.
# xtt
# references {#refs}