
90 lines
2.2 KiB

if exists('b:current_syntax')
let b:current_syntax = 'beluga'
setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,63-64,a-z,A-Z,!,$,&,',*,+,_,/,=,-,~,#,^
setlocal comments=b:%,srn:%{,m:\ ,ern:}%
setlocal commentstring=%%s
syn match belArrowEtc /->\|=>\|→\|⇒\||-#\?\|⊢\|\<=\>\|:/
hi def link belArrowEtc Function
syn match belDelim /[()\]{}.;,]\|[#$]\?\[\|\<\/\>\||-\@!\|<\|-\@<!>/
hi def link belDelim Delimiter
syn match belComment /%.*$/
hi def link belComment Comment
syn region belBlockComment start='%{' end='}%' contains=belBlockComment
hi def link belBlockComment belComment
syn keyword belUnderscore _ #_ $_
hi def link belUnderscore Special
syn keyword belType type ctype
hi def link belType Typedef
syn match belPragma /\%(%\|\<--\)\%(coverage\|warncoverage\|nostrengthen\|infix\|prefix\|assoc\|name\|abbrev\|not\|open\)\>/
hi def link belPragma Special
syn keyword belDecl
\ LF inductive coinductive stratified proof schema rec and typedef
hi def link belDecl Structure
syn keyword belTotal total
hi def link belTotal Special
syn keyword belTrust trust
hi def link belTrust Underlined
syn match belSubstConst /\.\.\|\^/
hi def link belSubstConst Constant
syn keyword belIdBlock some block
hi def link belIdBlock Structure
syn keyword belModule module struct end
hi def link belModule Structure
syn match belQualName /\>::\</
hi def link belQualName Normal
syn match belVarVar /#\k\+/
hi def link belVarVar Constant
syn match belSubstVar /\$\k\+/
hi def link belSubstVar String
syn region belObjLam
\ matchgroup=belObjLamP start=/\\/ matchgroup=belArrowEtc end=/\./ transparent
hi def link belObjLamP Define
syn keyword belMetaLam fn mlam fun
hi def link belMetaLam Define
syn keyword belCase case of impossible
hi def link belCase Keyword
syn keyword belLet let in
hi def link belLet Keyword
syn match belSubBlock /\.\k\+\>/
hi def link belSubBlock Label
syn keyword belBoolType Bool
hi def link belBoolType Typedef
syn keyword belBool ttrue ffalse
hi def link belBool Boolean
syn keyword belIf if then else
hi def link belIf Keyword
syn match belugaError /<-\|←/
syn keyword belugaError prop
hi def link belugaError Error
syn match belugaHole /\<?\k*\>/
hi def link belugaHole Underlined