if exists('b:ats_ftplugin') finish endif let b:ats_ftplugin = 1 " set config values if !exists('g:ats_autoformat') if executable('atsfmt') == 1 let g:ats_autoformat = 1 else let g:ats_autoformat = 0 endif endif " indentation rules set smarttab au BufNewFile,BufRead *.*ats \ set shiftwidth=2 " set comment string to something prettier setlocal commentstring=(*\ %s\ *) " register patscc as a checker " let g:syntastic_ats_checkers = [ 'patscc' ] " function to format our buffer function! AtsFormat() let cursor = getpos('.') exec 'normal! gg' exec 'silent !atsfmt -i ' . expand('%') exec 'e' call setpos('.', cursor) endfunction " format on write if g:ats_autoformat == 1 augroup ats autocmd BufWritePost *.ats,*.dats,*.sats,*.cats call AtsFormat() augroup END endif " commands command -nargs=0 Format call AtsFormat() command -nargs=0 Check SyntasticCheck patscc