scriptencoding utf-8 if !exists('main_syntax') if exists('b:current_syntax') finish endif let main_syntax = 'ats' endif syn keyword atsTodo TODO FIXME contained syn match atsIdentifier "\v[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" syn match atsInt "\v[0-9]+" syn match atsUint "\v[0-9]+u" syn match atsHex "\v0x[0-9a-fA-F]+" syn match atsSpecial +\v\\["nt\\]+ syn match atsSpecial -\v\\[0-9]+- syn region atsString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=atsSpecial syn keyword atsKeyword staload dynload overload with fun symintr include fn fnx and prfun prfn praxi castfn sortdef syn keyword atsKeyword as lam llam fix raise of var val prval if then else addr let in begin end when where local syn keyword atsKeywordTwo case ifcase syn keyword atsKeyword stadef sta stacst assume macdef syn match atsKeyword "\v[\%\+\-\<\>\=!\:\~]+" syn keyword atsFixity infixr infixl prefix postfix syn keyword arrowContents cloref1 cloptr1 lincloptr cloref cloptr syn match atsArrow '=/=>' syn region atsArrow start="=<" end=">" contains=arrowContents syn region atsArrow start="-<" end=">" syn keyword atsType void bool string char int uint uint8 uint32 uint16 int8 int32 int16 charNZ strnptr Strptr0 Strptr1 nat lint ulint double float syn keyword atsType datavtype datatype vtypedef dataviewtype viewtypdef typedef view viewdef dataview abstype absvtype absviewtype datasort dataprop type viewtype vtype syn keyword atsType absimpl syn keyword atsType implement primplmnt extern syn match atsParens "[()]" syn match atsOperator "\v[\@\'\#]" syn region atsMacro start="\v^#" end="\v$" contains=atsString syn keyword atsBool true false syn match atsComment "\v\/\/.*$" contains=atsTodo,@Spell syn region atsNestComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=atsNestComment,atsTodo,@Spell syn region atsNestParenComment start="(\*" end="\*)" contains=atsTodo,@Spell,atsNestParenComment syntax match logicalAnd '&&' conceal cchar=∧ syntax match leq '<=' conceal cchar=≤ syntax match geq '>=' conceal cchar=≥ syntax match neq '!=' conceal cchar=≠ syntax match seq '==' conceal cchar=≡ syntax match logicalOr '||' conceal cchar=∨ syn match atsChar "\v'.'" syn match atsChar "\v'.*'" contains=atsSpecial syn match atsPattern "\v'\(" syn include @c syntax/c.vim syn region cBlock matchgroup=atsCBlock start="%{\|%{^\|%{#" end="%}" contains=@c highlight link Conceal Keyword highlight link atsBool Boolean highlight link atsKeywordTwo Include highlight link atsArrow Special highlight link atsFixity Underlined highlight link atsOperator Special highlight link atsSpecial Special highlight link atsString String highlight link atsUint Number highlight link atsInt Number highlight link atsHex Number highlight link atsChar Character highlight link atsComment Comment highlight link atsNestComment Comment highlight link atsNestParenComment Comment highlight link atsKeyword Keyword highlight link atsType Type highlight link atsIdentifier Identifier hi def link atsCBlock Special setlocal conceallevel=1 let b:current_syntax = 'ats' if main_syntax ==# 'ats' unlet main_syntax endif