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2023-12-01 12:52:23 -05:00
load "list.quox"
load "nat.quox"
load "io.quox"
postulate0 Char : ★
namespace char {
#[compile-scheme "char->integer"]
postulate ord : Char →
#[compile-scheme "integer->char"]
postulate chr : → Char
#[compile-scheme "(lambda (c) (cons c 'erased))"]
postulate dup! : (c : Char) → [ω.Sing Char c]
def dup : Char → [ω.Char] =
λ c ⇒ appω (Sing Char c) Char (λ c' ⇒ sing.val Char c c') (dup! c);
def le : ω.Char → ω.Char → Bool =
λ x y ⇒ nat.le (ord x) (ord y)
def between : ω.Char → ω.Char → ω.Char → Bool =
λ lo hi c ⇒
case dup c return Bool of { [c] ⇒ bool.and (le lo c) (le c hi) }
def is-digit : ω.Char → Bool =
between (chr 0x30) (chr 0x39)
def digit : Char → =
λ c ⇒ nat.minus (ord c) 0x30
#[compile-scheme "(lambda (c) (builtin-io (display c) (newline)))"]
postulate println : Char → IO True
namespace string {
#[compile-scheme "string->list"]
postulate prim-to-list : String → list.SchemeList Char
def to-list : String → List Char =
λ str ⇒ list.from-scheme Char (prim-to-list str)
#[compile-scheme "(lambda (str) str)"]
postulate dup : String → [ω.String]
def find-first-last :
0.(A : ★) →
ω.(ω.A → Bool) →
ω.(List A) → Maybe (A × A) =
λ A p xs ⇒
maybe.pair A A
(list.find A p xs)
(list.find A p (list.reverse A xs))
def for-io : 0.(A : ★) → ω.(A → IO True) → List A → IO True =
λ A f xs ⇒ list.foldr A (IO True) io.pass (λ x act ⇒ io.seq' (f x) act) xs
def find-in-string : ω.(ω.Char → Bool) → ω.String → Maybe Char =
λ p str ⇒ list.find Char p ( str)
def number' : Char → Char → =
λ tens units ⇒ (nat.times 10 (char.digit tens)) (char.digit units)
def number : String → =
λ line ⇒
case string.dup line return of {
[line] ⇒
maybe.fold (Char × Char) 0
(pair.uncurry' Char Char number')
(find-first-last Char ( line))
def part1 : List String → =
list.foldr String 0 (λ str n ⇒ (number str) n)
namespace nat {
#[compile-scheme "(lambda (n) (builtin-io (display n) (newline)))"]
postulate println : → IO True
#[compile-scheme "(lambda (x) (builtin-io (display x) (newline)))"]
postulate dump : 0.(A : ★) → A → IO True
def main : IO True =
io.bind (List String) True
( "in/day1")
(λ lines ⇒ dump (part1 lines))