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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
rhiannon morris fdf0a29462 the failures 2022-12-18 13:48:52 +01:00
rhiannon morris 7b7ac2663f i hate xyz.err files!!! 2022-12-18 13:48:22 +01:00
rhiannon morris 37029c00d1 day18.1 2022-12-18 13:47:21 +01:00
rhiannon morris 0ca15eb016 use a record instead of a tuple 2022-12-16 18:27:20 +01:00
8 changed files with 875 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
MMCFLAGS := --infer-all --no-inform-inferred --warn-unused-imports \
MMCFLAGS := --infer-all --warn-unused-imports \
--output-compile-error-lines 1000 \
-s asm_fast.gc.debug.stseg
all: aoc

abandoned/aoc.bqn Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# no
# Day11 ⇐ {
# input ← >{·‿s‿o‿p‿t‿f:
# ⟨⥊•BQN '‿'⍟(','⊸=)¨ 18↓s
# •BQN∘(«23↓o)⎊⊢ ('+'=⊑23↓o)◶×‿+ ⊢
# •BQN 21↓p, •BQN 29↓t, •BQN 30↓f⟩
# }∘(6⊸↑)¨ 7 Chunk •FLines 𝕩
# start ← >⋈⟜0¨⊏˘input ⋄ info ← 1↓˘input ⋄ mod ← ×´1⊑˘info
# Go ← {n‿d𝕊𝕩:
# Turn ← {i𝕊m:
# x‿n ← i⊏m ⋄ O‿p‿t‿f ← i⊏info
# y ← (0⊸=p⊸|)⊸⊔ mod| ⌊d÷˜ O x
# l‿r ← ⊑⎊⟨⟩⟜y¨↕2
# (∾⟜l)⌾(f‿0⊸⊑) (∾⟜r)⌾(t‿0⊸⊑) ⟨⟨⟩,n+≠x⟩⌾(i⊸⊏) m
# }
# Round ← {𝕩 Turn´ ⌽↕≠𝕩}
# ×´2↑1⊏˘ Round⍟n 𝕩
# }
# 20‿3 Go start
# # ⟨10⋆5,1⟩ Go start
# }
Day12 {
map >•FLines 𝕩
# start‿end ← {⊑(𝕩⊸= /○⥊ ↕∘≢)map}¨ "SE"
startend "SE"˜map
map {'S':0; 'E':25; 𝕩-'a'}¨
i_h (¨) map
Adj {¬ (1=+´2r)´1(r|𝕨-𝕩)}
a Adj˜ i_h
a {0(=´𝕩)𝕨}¨()
•Show Day12 •args

abandoned/day12.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
:- module day12.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module array2d.
:- type point == {int, int}.
:- type grid ---> g(array :: array2d(char), start :: point, end :: point).
:- pred grid(lines::in, grid::out) is semidet.
grid(Lines, g(Arr, {SX, SY}, {EX, EY})) :-
Arr = from_lists(map(to_char_list, Lines)),
find(Arr, 'S', SX, SY),
find(Arr, 'E', EX, EY).
:- pred find_from(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::out)
is semidet.
find_from(Arr, A, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) :-
bounds(Arr, W, H),
Y1 < H,
(if X1 < W then
B = Arr^elem(X1, Y1),
(if A = B then X2 = X1, Y2 = Y1
else find_from(Arr, A, X1+1, Y1, X2, Y2))
find_from(Arr, A, 0, Y1+1, X2, Y2)).
:- pred find(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::out, int::out) is semidet.
find(Arr, A, X, Y) :- find_from(Arr, A, 0, 0, X, Y).
:- func get(grid, point) = char.
get(G, {X, Y}) = G^array^elem(X, Y).
:- func height(char) = int.
height(C) = I :-
if C = 'S' then I = 0
else if C = 'E' then I = 25
else I = to_int(C) - to_int('a').
:- func height(grid, point) = int.
height(G, P) = height(get(G, P)).
:- pred adj_point(point::in, point::out) is multi.
adj_point({X, Y}, {X+1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X-1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y+1}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y-1}).
:- pred adj(grid::in, point::in, point::out) is nondet.
adj(G, P, Q) :-
adj_point(P, Q), in_bounds(G, Q),
abs(height(G, P) - height(G, Q)) =< 1.
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :-
bounds(G^array, W, H),
0 =< X, X < W,
0 =< Y, Y < H.
:- pred index(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
index(G, {I, J}) :-
bounds(G^array, W, H),
nondet_int_in_range(0, W-1, I),
nondet_int_in_range(0, H-1, J).
:- type path == list(point).
:- type distance ---> i(int); inf.
:- import_module solutions.
:- import_module map.
:- type pm == map(point, point).
:- type nq ---> nq(pq, dm).
:- type dm == map(point, distance).
:- type pq == list({point, distance}).
:- pred remove_min(point::out, distance::out, pq::in, pq::out) is semidet.
remove_min(X, D, [{X0, D0} | PQ0], PQ) :-
remove_min(X1, D1, PQ0, PQ1),
D1 @< D0
X = X1, D = D1,
PQ = [{X0, D0} | PQ1]
X = X0, D = D0,
PQ = PQ0.
:- pred seen(nq::in, point::in) is semidet.
seen(nq(_, S), X) :- contains(S, X).
:- pred next(point::out, distance::out, nq::in, nq::out) is semidet.
next(X, D, nq(!.Q, !.S), nq(!:Q, !:S)) :-
remove_min(X, D, !Q), set(X, D, !S).
:- pred set_distance_pq(point::in, distance::in, pq::in, pq::out) is det.
set_distance_pq(_, _, [], []).
set_distance_pq(X, D, [{Y, E} | Xs], Zs) :-
if X = Y then
Zs = [{X, D} | Xs]
set_distance_pq(X, D, Xs, Xs2),
Zs = [{Y, E} | Xs2].
:- pred set_distance(point::in, distance::in, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
set_distance(X, D, nq(!.Q, !.S), nq(!:Q, !:S)) :-
set_distance_pq(X, D, !Q),
(if contains(!.S, X) then det_update(X, D, !S) else true).
:- func get_distance(point, pq, dm) = distance.
:- mode get_distance(in, in, in) = out is semidet.
get_distance(X, [], S) = search(S, X).
get_distance(X, [{Y, D} | Xs], S) = D1 :-
if X = Y then D1 = D else D1 = get_distance(X, Xs, S).
:- func get_distance(point, nq) = distance.
:- mode get_distance(in, in) = out is semidet.
get_distance(X, nq(Q, S)) = get_distance(X, Q, S).
:- pred insert_init(point::in, point::in, pq::in, pq::out) is det.
insert_init(From, X, !Queue) :-
(if X = From then D = i(0) else D = inf),
cons({X, D}, !Queue).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, point::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, From, nq(Q, init)) :-
aggregate(index(G), insert_init(From), [], Q).
:- pred get_path_rev(pm::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is det.
get_path_rev(Map, From, To, Path) :-
if From = To then
Path = []
else if search(Map, To, Prev) then
get_path_rev(Map, From, Prev, Tail),
Path = [To | Tail]
To = {X, Y},
die("no predecessor for {%d, %d}", [i(X), i(Y)]).
:- pred get_path(pm::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is det.
get_path(Map, From, To, reverse(Path)) :- get_path_rev(Map, From, To, Path).
:- func incr(distance) = distance.
incr(inf) = inf.
incr(i(N)) = i(N + 1).
:- pred neighbours(grid::in, point::in, nq::in, point::out) is nondet.
neighbours(G, Point, Queue, N) :-
adj(G, Point, N),
not seen(Queue, N).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::out,
nq::in, nq::out, pm::in, pm::out) is semidet.
path(G, From, To, Path, !Queue, !Prev) :-
next(Point, Distance, !Queue),
Distance = inf => die("ow"),
Neighs = solutions(neighbours(G, Point, !.Queue)),
foldl2(pred(Neigh::in, % 🐴
!.Queue::in, !:Queue::out,
!.Prev::in, !:Prev::out) is det :- (
Alt = incr(Distance),
(if Alt @< get_distance(Neigh, !.Queue) then
set_distance(Neigh, Alt, !Queue),
set(Neigh, Point, !Prev)
else true)),
Neighs, !Queue, !Prev),
(if Point = To then
get_path(!.Prev, From, To, Path)
path(G, From, To, Path, !Queue, !Prev)).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is semidet.
path(G, From, To, Path) :-
init_queue(G, From, Queue),
path(G, From, To, Path, Queue, _, init, _).
:- pred path(grid::in, path::out) is semidet.
path(G, Path) :- path(G, G^start, G^end, Path).
run(_, Lines, Out) :-
grid(Lines, G),
init_queue(G, G^start, Q),
path(G, G^start, G^end, Path, Q, nq(Q1, S1), init, Prev)
Out = 'new other'({"RESULT", length(Path):int,
"G", G, "Path", Path,
"Q1", Q1,
"S1", to_assoc_list(S1):list(_),
"Prev", to_assoc_list(Prev):list(_)})
die("bad input").
/* omg could u imagine if this had worked tho
:- pragma memo(path/5, [fast_loose]).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::in, int::out)
is nondet.
path(G, P, P, _, 0).
path(G, P, Q, Seen, Len + 1) :-
adj(G, P, P1),
not member(P1, Seen),
path(G, P1, Q, [P|Seen], Len).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, int::out) is nondet.
path(G, P, Q, Len) :- path(G, P, Q, [], Len).
:- import_module solutions.
run(_, Lines, Out) :-
if grid(Lines, G) then
solutions(path(G, G^start, G^end), Paths),
Out = int(det_head(Paths))
die("bad input").

abandoned/day15.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
:- module day15.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module array2d.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module set_bbbtree.
:- type set(T) == set_bbbtree(T).
:- type cell ---> unknown; empty; sensor; beacon.
:- type data == array2d(cell).
:- type grid --->
g(start_x :: int, end_x :: int,
start_y :: int, end_y :: int,
data :: data).
:- inst grid for grid/0 ---> g(ground, ground, ground, ground, array2d).
:- mode grid_di == di(grid).
:- mode grid_uo == out(grid).
:- type point == {int, int}.
:- type sensor ---> s(self :: point, beacon :: point).
:- import_module parsing_utils.
:- pred line(src::in, sensor::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
line(Src, s(S, B)) -->
kws(["sensor", "at"], Src), point(Src, S), punct(":", Src, _),
kws(["closest", "beacon", "is", "at"], Src), point(Src, B), eof(Src, _).
:- pred point(src::in, point::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
point(Src, {X, Y}) -->
kw("x", Src), punct("=", Src, _), int_literal(Src, X), punct(",", Src, _),
kw("y", Src), punct("=", Src, _), int_literal(Src, Y).
:- pred kw(string::in, src::in, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
kw(K, Src) --> ikeyword("abcdefghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz", K, Src, _).
:- pred kws(list(string)::in, src::in, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
kws([], _) --> [].
kws([K | Ks], Src) --> kw(K, Src), kws(Ks, Src).
:- pred lines(lines::in, list(sensor)::out) is cc_multi.
lines(Lines, Sensors) :- map_index(line, Lines, Sensors).
:- pred line(int::in, string::in, sensor::out) is cc_multi.
line(Line, Str, Out) :-
parse(Str, line, Result),
from_result(Line, Result, Out).
from_result(_, ok(X), X).
from_result(Line, error(yes(Msg), _, Col), _) :-
die("%d:%d: %s", [i(Line), i(Col), s(Msg)]).
from_result(Line, error(no, _, Col), _) :-
die("%d:%d: unknown error lol", [i(Line), i(Col)]).
:- func distance(point, point) = int.
distance({X1, Y1}, {X2, Y2}) = abs(X1 - X2) + abs(Y1 - Y2).
:- func point + int = point.
{X, Y} + D = {X+D, Y+D}.
:- func point - int = point.
{X, Y} - D = {X-D, Y-D}.
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :-
G^start_x =< X, X =< G^end_x,
G^start_y =< Y, Y =< G^end_y.
:- func get(grid, point) = cell.
get(G, {X, Y}) = G^data^elem(Y - G^start_y, X - G^start_x).
:- pred set_d(point::in, point::in, cell::in,
data::array2d_di, data::array2d_uo) is det.
set_d({StartX, StartY}, {X, Y}, A, !Data) :-
!Data^elem(Y - StartY, X - StartX) := A.
:- pred set(point::in, cell::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
set(XY, A, !Grid) :- some [!Data] (
!:Data = !.Grid^data,
set_d({!.Grid^start_x, !.Grid^start_y}, XY, A, !Data),
!Grid^data := !.Data
:- type bounds ---> b(min :: point, max :: point).
:- func bounds(list(sensor)) = bounds.
bounds(Sensors) =
foldl(expand_bounds, points_all(Sensors), b({0, 0}, {0, 0})).
:- func points_all(list(sensor)) = list(point).
points_all(Sensors) =
foldr(func(S, Rest) = points(S) ++ Rest, Sensors, []).
:- func points(sensor) = list(point).
points(s(S, B)) = [S - D, S + D, S, B] :-
D = distance(S, B).
:- func expand_bounds(point, bounds) = bounds.
expand_bounds({X, Y}, b({LoX, LoY}, {HiX, HiY})) =
b({LoX `min` X, LoY `min` Y}, {HiX `max` X, HiY `max` Y}).
:- pred place_sensors(
point::in, list(sensor)::in, data::array2d_di, data::array2d_uo) is det.
place_sensors(_, [], !Data).
place_sensors(Start, [s(S, B) | Rest], !Data) :-
set_d(Start, S, sensor, !Data),
set_d(Start, B, beacon, !Data),
place_sensors(Start, Rest, !Data).
:- func grid_from_sensors(list(sensor)::in) = (grid::grid_uo) is det.
grid_from_sensors(Sensors) = !:G :-
b({StartX, StartY}, {EndX, EndY}) = bounds(Sensors),
Width = EndX - StartX + 1, Height = EndY - StartY + 1,
place_sensors({StartX, StartY}, Sensors,
init(Height, Width, unknown), Arr),
!:G = g(StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY, Arr),
set_empty_all(Sensors, !G).
:- pred make_grid(lines::in, grid::grid_uo) is cc_multi.
make_grid(Lines, grid_from_sensors(Sensors)) :-
lines(Lines, Sensors).
:- pred set_empty_all(list(sensor)::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
set_empty_all([], !G).
set_empty_all([S | Ss], !G) :-
set_empty(S, !G), set_empty_all(Ss, !G).
:- pred set_empty(sensor::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
set_empty(s(S, B), !G) :-
D = distance(S, B) + 1,
up(S, D, !G), down(S, D, !G).
:- func up(point) = point.
up({X, Y}) = {X, Y-1}.
:- func down(point) = point.
down({X, Y}) = {X, Y+1}.
:- func left(point) = point.
left({X, Y}) = {X-1, Y}.
:- func right(point) = point.
right({X, Y}) = {X+1, Y}.
:- pred go_v((func(point) = point)::(func(in) = out is det),
point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
go_v(F, XY, D, !G) :-
if D = 0 ; not in_bounds(!.G, XY) then true else
set_unknown(XY, empty, !G),
go_v(F, F(XY), D-1, !G),
left(left(XY), D-1, !G),
right(right(XY), D-1, !G).
:- pred go_h((func(point) = point)::(func(in) = out is det),
point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
go_h(F, XY, D, !G) :-
if D = 0 ; not in_bounds(!.G, XY) then true else
set_unknown(XY, empty, !G),
go_h(F, F(XY), D-1, !G).
:- pred set_unknown(point::in, cell::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
set_unknown(XY, C, !G) :-
if get(!.G, XY) = unknown then set(XY, C, !G) else true.
:- pred up(point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
up(XY, D, !G) :- go_v(up, XY, D, !G).
:- pred down(point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
down(XY, D, !G) :- go_v(down, XY, D, !G).
:- pred left(point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
left(XY, D, !G) :- go_h(left, XY, D, !G).
:- pred right(point::in, int::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
right(XY, D, !G) :- go_h(right, XY, D, !G).
:- func draw(grid) = lines.
draw(G) = map(func(L) = from_char_list(map(to_char, L)), lists(G^data)).
to_char(unknown) = '·'.
to_char(empty) = ' '.
to_char(sensor) = ''.
to_char(beacon) = ''.
:- func row(int::in, grid::in) = (array(cell)::array_uo).
row(J, G) = Arr :-
Size = G^end_x - G^start_x + 1,
Arr = generate(Size, func(I) = get(G, {I + G^start_x, J})).
:- func count(pred(T)::(pred(in) is semidet), array(T)::in) = (int::out).
count(P, Arr) =
foldl(func(X, Acc) = ite((pred) is semidet :- P(X), 1+Acc, Acc), Arr, 0).
:- pred maybe_beacon(cell::in) is semidet.
:- func expand(list(list(point))) = set(point).
expand(Points) = from_list(condense(map(expand1, Points))).
:- func expand1(list(point)) = list(point).
expand1([]) = [].
expand1([P]) = [P].
expand1([P, Q | Rest]) = expand(P, Q) ++ expand1([Q | Rest]).
:- func expand(point, point) = list(point).
expand({X1, Y1}, {X2, Y2}) = List :-
if X1 = X2 then List = map(func(Y) = {X1, Y}, between(Y1, Y2))
else if Y1 = Y2 then List = map(func(X) = {X, Y1}, between(X1, X2))
else die("expand/2: non-orthogonal line").
:- func between(int, int) = list(int).
between(I, J) = to_sorted_list(range(min(I, J), max(I, J))).
:- func bounds(set(point)) = {point, point}.
bounds(Points) = {{LoX, LoY}, {HiX, HiY}} :-
Points0 = insert(Points, hole),
Xs = to_sorted_list(map(func({X, _}) = X, Points0)),
Ys = to_sorted_list(map(func({_, Y}) = Y, Points0)),
LoX = det_head(Xs), det_last(Xs, HiX),
LoY = det_head(Ys), det_last(Ys, HiY).
:- func add_floor(set(point)) = set(point).
add_floor(Points) = insert_list(Points, Floor) :-
{_, {_, Lo}} = bounds(Points),
FloorY = Lo + 2, Start = holeX - FloorY, End = holeX + FloorY,
Floor = map(func(X) = {X, FloorY}, between(Start, End)).
:- func get(grid, point) = cell.
get(G, {X, Y}) = G^data^elem(Y - G^start_y, X - G^start_x).
:- pred set_d(point::in, point::in, cell::in,
data::array2d_di, data::array2d_uo) is det.
set_d({StartX, StartY}, {X, Y}, A, !Data) :-
!Data^elem(Y - StartY, X - StartX) := A.
:- pred set(point::in, cell::in, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
set(XY, A, !Grid) :- some [!Data] (
!:Data = !.Grid^data,
set_d({!.Grid^start_x, !.Grid^start_y}, XY, A, !Data),
!Grid^data := !.Data
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :-
G^start_x =< X, X =< G^end_x,
G^start_y =< Y, Y =< G^end_y.
:- pred place_rocks(point::in, list(point)::in,
data::array2d_di, data::array2d_uo) is det.
place_rocks(_, [], !Data).
place_rocks(Start, [XY | Rest], !Data) :-
set_d(Start, XY, rock, !Data),
place_rocks(Start, Rest, !Data).
:- func grid_from_set(set(point)) = grid.
:- mode grid_from_set(in) = grid_uo.
grid_from_set(Points) = G :-
{{StartX, StartY}, {EndX, EndY}} = bounds(Points),
Width = EndX - StartX + 1, Height = EndY - StartY + 1,
place_rocks({StartX, StartY}, to_sorted_list(Points),
init(Height, Width, empty), Arr),
G = g(StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY, Arr).
:- func make_grid(lines) = grid.
:- mode make_grid(in) = grid_uo is semidet.
make_grid(Lines) = grid_from_set(expand(Points)) :-
lines(Lines, Points).
:- func make_floor_grid(lines) = grid.
:- mode make_floor_grid(in) = grid_uo is semidet.
make_floor_grid(Lines) = grid_from_set(add_floor(expand(Points))) :-
lines(Lines, Points).
:- type fall ---> stop(point); overflow.
:- pred move(point::in, fall::out, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is semidet.
move({X, Y}, B, !Grid) :-
if not in_bounds(!.Grid, {X, Y}) then B = overflow
else if get(!.Grid, {X, Y}) \= empty then fail
else if move({X, Y+1}, B0, !Grid) then B = B0
else if move({X-1, Y+1}, B0, !Grid) then B = B0
else if move({X+1, Y+1}, B0, !Grid) then B = B0
else set({X, Y}, sand, !Grid), B = stop({X, Y}).
:- pred fill(int::out, grid::grid_di, grid::grid_uo) is det.
fill(N, !Grid) :-
if move(hole, stop(_), !Grid) then fill(N0, !Grid), N = N0 + 1
else N = 0.
:- pragma no_determinism_warning(run/3).
run(one, Lines, int(Res)) :-
if Grid = make_grid(Lines) then fill(Res, Grid, _)
else die("bad input").
run(two, Lines, int(Res)) :-
if Grid = make_floor_grid(Lines) then fill(Res, Grid, _)
else die("bad input").
:- import_module std_util.
run(_, Lines, Out) :-
make_grid(Lines, Grid),
Out = lines(draw(Grid) ++
[string([Grid^start_x, Grid^start_y, Grid^end_x, Grid^end_y]),
string(count(isnt(maybe_beacon), row(2_000_000, Grid)))]).

abandoned/day16.2.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
:- module day16.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module map.
:- import_module digraph.
:- import_module set.
:- type label == string.
:- type key == digraph_key(label).
:- type rates == map(key, int).
:- type graph == digraph(label).
:- type open == set(key).
:- pred spaces(chars::in, chars::out) is det.
spaces --> if [' '] then spaces else [].
:- pred word0(chars::out, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
word0([C | Cs]) -->
[C], {is_alpha(C)},
(if word0(Cs0) then {Cs = Cs0} else {Cs = []}).
:- pred word(string::out, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
word(W) --> word0(Cs), {W = from_char_list(Cs)}, spaces.
:- pred words(list(string)::in, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
words([]) --> [].
words([W | Ws]) --> word(W), words(Ws).
:- pred sym(char::in, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
sym(S) --> [S], spaces.
:- pred tunnels(list(string)::out, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
tunnels([T | Ts]) -->
word(T), (if sym(',') then tunnels(Ts) else {Ts = []}).
:- pred number(int::out, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
number(N) --> digits(S), {to_int(from_char_list(S), N)}.
:- pred digits(chars::out, chars::in, chars::out) is semidet.
digits([C | Cs]) -->
[C], {is_digit(C)},
(if digits(Cs2) then {Cs = Cs2} else {Cs = []}).
:- pred line(graph::in, graph::out, rates::in, rates::out,
chars::in, chars::out) is nondet.
line(!Graph, !Rates) -->
word("Valve"), word(Label),
words(["has", "flow", "rate"]), sym('='),
number(Rate), sym(';'),
(words(["tunnels", "lead", "to", "valves"]) ;
words(["tunnel", "leads", "to", "valve"])),
{add_vertex(Label, Key, !Graph)},
{insert(Key, Rate, !Rates)},
{foldl(add_vertices_and_edge(Label), Tunnels, !Graph)}.
:- pred line(string::in, graph::in, graph::out, rates::in, rates::out)
is nondet.
line(Str, !G, !R) :- line(!G, !R, to_char_list(Str), []).
:- pred lines(lines::in, graph::out, rates::out) is cc_nondet.
lines(Lines, G, R) :- foldl2(line, Lines, digraph.init, G, map.init, R).
:- pred max_release(int::in, label::in, graph::in, rates::in, int::out) is det.
max_release(Time, Start, Graph, Rates, Max) :-
max_release(Time, lookup_key(Graph, Start), Graph, Rates, init, _, Max).
:- pred max_release(int, key, graph, rates, open, open, int).
:- mode max_release(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
:- pragma memo(max_release/7,
[specified([value, value, addr, addr, value, output, output])]).
max_release(Time, Here, Graph, Rates, !Open, Max) :-
if Time = 0 then Max = 0 else
HereRate = lookup(Rates, Here),
StartOpen = !.Open,
HereRate \= 0,
insert_new(Here, !Open)
max_release(Time - 1, Here, Graph, Rates, !Open, Max0),
MaxHere = Max0 + HereRate * (Time - 1)
MaxHere = 0),
Nexts = [Here | set.to_sorted_list(lookup_from(Graph, Here))],
max_releases(Time - 1, Nexts, Graph, Rates, StartOpen, Outs),
get_max([o(!.Open, MaxHere) | Outs], o(!:Open, Max)).
:- type out ---> o(open :: open, max :: int).
:- pred max_releases(int, list(key), graph, rates, open, list(out)).
:- mode max_releases(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
max_releases(_, [], _, _, _, []).
max_releases(Time, [Here|Theres], Graph, Rates, Open0, [o(Open, Max) | Rest]) :-
max_release(Time, Here, Graph, Rates, Open0, Open, Max) &
max_releases(Time, Theres, Graph, Rates, Open0, Rest).
:- import_module bool.
:- func tick(bool, int) = int.
tick(yes, N) = N - 1.
tick(no, N) = N.
:- pred max_release2(int::in, label::in, graph::in, rates::in, int::out) is det.
max_release2(Time, Start, Graph, Rates, Max) :-
die("this works on the example but it's too inefficient for the real thing"),
Key = lookup_key(Graph, Start),
max_release2(Time, no, Key, Key, Graph, Rates, init, _, Max).
:- pred max_release2(int, bool, key, key, graph, rates, open, open, int).
:- mode max_release2(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
:- pragma memo(max_release2/9,
[specified([value, value, value, value, addr, addr,
value, output, output])]).
max_release2(Time, Tick, Here1, Here2, Graph, Rates, !Open, Max) :-
if Time = 0 then Max = 0 else
HereRate = lookup(Rates, Here1),
StartOpen = !.Open,
HereRate \= 0,
insert_new(Here1, !Open)
max_release2(tick(Tick, Time), not(Tick), Here2, Here1,
Graph, Rates, !Open, Max0),
MaxHere = Max0 + HereRate * (Time - 1)
MaxHere = 0),
Nexts = [Here1 | set.to_sorted_list(lookup_from(Graph, Here1))],
max_releases2(tick(Tick, Time), not(Tick), Nexts, Here2,
Graph, Rates, StartOpen, Outs),
get_max([o(!.Open, MaxHere) | Outs], o(!:Open, Max)).
:- pred max_releases2(int, bool, list(key), key, graph, rates, open, list(out)).
:- mode max_releases2(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
max_releases2(_, _, [], _, _, _, _, []).
max_releases2(Time, Tick, [Here1|Theres], Here2, Graph, Rates, Open0,
[o(Open, Max) | Rest]) :-
max_release2(Time, Tick, Here2, Here1, Graph, Rates, Open0, Open, Max) &
max_releases2(Time, Tick, Theres, Here2, Graph, Rates, Open0, Rest).
:- pred get_max(list(out)::in(non_empty_list), out::out) is det.
get_max([O], O).
get_max([O, R | Rest], O0) :-
get_max([R | Rest], OR),
(if O^max >= OR^max then O0 = O else O0 = OR).
run(Part, Lines, int(Max)) :-
if lines(Lines, G, R) then
(if Part = one then max_release(30, "AA", G, R, Max)
else max_release2(26, "AA", G, R, Max))
else die("bad input").

abandoned/day17.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
:- module day17.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module array.
:- type wind ---> l; r.
:- type cell ---> empty; full.
:- type row == list(cell).
:- type board == list(row).
:- pred empty(row::in) is semidet.
empty(Row) :- all [X] member(X, Row) => X = empty.
:- func empty = row.
empty = replicate(7, empty).
:- func trim_top0(board) = board.
trim_top0([]) = [].
trim_top0([R | Rs]) = Out :-
if empty(R) then Out = trim_top0(Rs)
else Out = [R | Rs].
:- func trim_top(board) = board.
trim_top(B) = [empty, empty, empty | trim_top0(B)].
:- type piece == list(row).
:- func make_piece(list(string)) = piece.
make_piece(Strs) = Piece :-
if map(row, Strs, Rows) then Piece = Rows
else die("piece: invalid input").
:- func pieces = array(piece).
pieces = array(['🬋🬋', '🬫🬃', '🬭', '', '🬹']).
'🬋🬋' = make_piece(["..####."]).
'🬫🬃' = make_piece(["...#...", "..###..", "...#..."]).
'🬭' = make_piece(["....#..", "....#..", "..###.."]).
'' = make_piece(["..#....", "..#....", "..#....", "..#...."]).
'🬹' = make_piece(["..##...", "..##..."]).
:- func piece(int) = piece.
piece(I) = pieces^elem(I `mod` 5).
:- pred left_row(row::in, row::out) is semidet.
left_row([], []).
left_row([empty | Rest], Rest ++ [empty]).
:- pred left_piece(piece::in, piece::out) is semidet.
left_piece(P, Q) :- map(left_row, P, Q).
:- pred right_row(row::in, row::out) is semidet.
right_row(P, Q) :-
if P = [] then Q = []
else remove_suffix(P, [empty], P0), Q = [empty | P0].
:- pred right_piece(piece::in, piece::out) is semidet.
right_piece(P, Q) :- map(right_row, P, Q).
:- func row_to_string(row) = string.
row_to_string(Row) =
from_char_list(map(func(X) = ite(unify(X, empty), '·', ''), Row)).
:- func piece_to_lines(piece) = lines.
piece_to_lines(P) = map(row_to_string, P).
:- pred cell(char::in, cell::out) is semidet.
cell('.', empty).
cell('#', full).
:- pred row(string::in, row::out) is semidet.
row(Str, Out) :-
length(Str) = 7,
map(cell, to_char_list(Str), Out).
:- pred parse(lines::in, array(wind)::out) is det.
parse(Lines, array(List)) :-
List = map(func(C) = ite(unify(C, '<'), l, r),
condense(map(to_char_list, Lines))).
run(_, _, Out) :-
Out = lines(condense(map(piece_to_lines, map(piece, [1,3,1,2])))).

View File

@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ Day5 ⇐ {
Day6 {{𝕨+ / ˘ 𝕨𝕩}(•FChars 𝕩)¨ 414}
# ⟨ 1929 3298 ⟩
Day7 {𝕩, "mercury only"!0}
Day8 {
_rots {Fx𝔽𝕩, >{F𝕏x}¨,,˘,}
A {+´ ˝ ´(>1)¨ 𝕩}
@ -60,8 +58,6 @@ Day8 ⇐ {
# ⟨ 1843 180000 ⟩
Day9 {𝕩, "mercury only"!0}
Day10 {
Line 0 ·•BQN 5
A (+´ 19) (×1+)
@ -70,3 +66,11 @@ Day10 ⇐ {
# ⟨ 13060 "FJUBULRZ" ⟩
# (but the string is a big banner)
Day18 { # part 1 only :[
grid (> 1+˝) •BQN¨ '‿'(=',')0 •FLines 𝕩
touch +´ «» {(𝕎𝕩) grid} 1+3
+´ (6×grid)-touch
# 3470
•Show Day18 •args

View File

@ -93,22 +93,22 @@ max_release(Time, Here, Graph, Rates, !Open, Max) :-
MaxHere = 0),
Nexts = [Here | set.to_sorted_list(lookup_from(Graph, Here))],
max_releases(Time - 1, Nexts, Graph, Rates, StartOpen, Outs),
get_max([{!.Open, MaxHere} | Outs], !:Open, Max).
get_max([o(!.Open, MaxHere) | Outs], o(!:Open, Max)).
:- type out == {open, int}.
:- type out ---> o(open :: open, max :: int).
:- pred max_releases(int, list(key), graph, rates, open, list(out)).
:- mode max_releases(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
max_releases(_, [], _, _, _, []).
max_releases(Time, [Here|Theres], Graph, Rates, Open0, [{Open, Max} | Rest]) :-
max_releases(Time, [Here|Theres], Graph, Rates, Open0, [o(Open, Max) | Rest]) :-
max_release(Time, Here, Graph, Rates, Open0, Open, Max) &
max_releases(Time, Theres, Graph, Rates, Open0, Rest).
:- pred get_max(list(out)::in(non_empty_list), open::out, int::out) is det.
get_max([{O, M}], O, M).
get_max([{O, M}, R | Rest], O0, M0) :-
get_max([R | Rest], OR, MR),
(if M >= MR then O0 = O, M0 = M else O0 = OR, M0 = MR).
:- pred get_max(list(out)::in(non_empty_list), out::out) is det.
get_max([O], O).
get_max([O, R | Rest], O0) :-
get_max([R | Rest], OR),
(if O^max >= OR^max then O0 = O else O0 = OR).
run(one, Lines, int(Max)) :-
if lines(Lines, G, R) then max_release(30, "AA", G, R, Max)