
32 lines
843 B

module IntSet = Set_ext.Make(Int)
let read_ints =
Bracket.infile_lines ~line:int_of_string ~of_seq:IntSet.of_seq
let rec find ?(target=2020) ~n set =
if n < 1 then
raise (Invalid_argument "n must be at least 1")
else if n = 1 then
if IntSet.mem target set then Some [target] else None
let joined x = (List.cons x) (find ~target:(target - x) ~n:(n - 1) set) in
IntSet.exists_opt joined set
let main' n input =
match find ~n (read_ints input) with
| Some xs -> Misc.print_prod xs
| None -> raise Not_found
let main = Misc.main 1 [|main' 2; main' 3|]
let%expect_test "part 1" =
main' 2 "../../data/day1"; (* is this always the right path??? *)
[%expect{| 534 * 1486 = 793524 |}]
let%expect_test "part 2" =
main' 3 "../../data/day1";
[%expect{| 71 * 686 * 1263 = 61515678 |}]